
Jesus fucking Christ this is collective insanity
I'd like to believe that but honestly I think it seems like Biden is too risky now.
I think they’re falling for a gigantic rat fuck both of mass hysteria, personally.
I watched that debate. Biden could barely finish a sentence half the time. It was painful. Something is very wrong.
Is it so wrong that it’s worth switching horses right now? Especially when that’s what the GOP seems to want? I am not convinced.
I hear they want Biden in. They're thinking of suing to prevent states from switching to Harris! Biden is the old fart they can call senile.
They don't want Biden in, as a person who used to specialize in research on this they want to prep a narrative for the fall of a technically illegitimate election. It's not a move to stop it, it's a move to delegitimize.
Thank you, fuck I'm losing my shit over here lol
I missed part of this, will try to find it, but what frightens me is that all of this abnormal s**t is now simply taken for normal, all because of a narcissistic reality TV star.
yup, it's a wrench in the works = more chaos.
Do I have this correct? The cleanest way for Kamala to take the reins would be for Joe to resign because then most of the potential “eligibility” issues go away & she has access to the cash immediately. But then the second in line is Mike Johnson, right? Would he get to count the votes in January?
Even a hint of chaos only benefits them
At least I can agree with them on something lmao
It's not that they want Biden in. What they want is to keep the chaos that the media has ignited as front and centre as possible. If there's rumours that Democrats want him out, they'll say they're suing to keep him in. If everyone lines up behind him, they'll say he should be ruled incapable.
Republicans want Biden the same way Democrats want Trump.
Can't find the story but yeah saw it yesterday
Sounds like what they'd like is to have Biden drop out and Harris be blocked so neither of them are on the ballot.
No, they WANT to sue to prevent Harris. That's the ideal situation for them, a Dem nominee that they can block or delegitimize, and they can't do that if Biden stays in.
Who in the party has the juice to reverse it now that the whispering has burst out so broadly?
I think the simplest explanation is that he had a cold, and with an empty room he felt no reason to use his "big voice". But Trump yells constantly, so by contrast, he looked incredibly weak. That same night he met with a crowd and sounded far more energetic.
But simple explanations don’t sell newspapers so… 🤷‍♂️
It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. Biden’s risky because everyone thinks he’s risky. We’re all in a Schelling tipping point game.
That I agree with. But it feels like Democrats aren't just freaking out because the media is freaked - they are legitimately questioning his ability to be reelected under these conditions.
"can the biden campaign survive my worry about the biden campaign" is some really self defeating stuff
I don't know that it's SELF-defeating. It's doing exactly what the people saying it want it to do. We just can't take it seriously or let it work.
Yup. And it’s exactly where we’re at.
Yeah it's unbelievable how people WILLINGLY give up their space to rightwing propaganda. TWICE.
Exactly. “Ability to be reelected” is directly linked to what everyone is saying about the risks of him staying in the race. Perception is creating reality.
But it's linked to the reality we all saw of him faltering at the debate. Beginning to feel like we have to choose between what they say or our lying eyes.
I love that the photo chosen for this story features Sinema and Manchin centrally. As if the digital person who uploaded the story had some thoughts about it
So.. like all along, it's a personal mental issue on the voters (audience). Can't motivate those who are demotivated.
This assumes people's direct perception is fundamentally unreliable, and that what they do is shaped, predominantly, by the DC press. The reality that people are suddenly and directly perceiving is that this guy has declined *rapidly* and that this is not "just a cold."
I can’t say I have a great opinion in general of Democrat senior leadership’s stalwart resolve in the face of danger, which is also informing my opinion.
I can also say that if these people decide to replace Biden and Trump wins, they will become some of the most loathed people in history.
God if we don’t end up with Trump 2 this fall we all have to go to boring precinct meetings and shit and get these weasels in line, don’t we.
I've always thought the one failing people won't forgive in their leaders is abject cowardice. But based on who keeps getting reelected over and over, I may be wrong.
Hell, they make people who jump at their own shadow seem steely. They won’t even freaking hold hearings or press conferences or even make quotes on the record about anything a Republican does.
I don’t know if those factors can be teased apart so neatly. Senior Dems freaking out are driving a news cycle that senior Dems have lost confidence in Biden, which is making more senior Dems freak out. It’s genuinely hard to tell which is cause and which is effect here.