
Jesus fucking Christ this is collective insanity
I'd like to believe that but honestly I think it seems like Biden is too risky now.
I think they’re falling for a gigantic rat fuck both of mass hysteria, personally.
It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. Biden’s risky because everyone thinks he’s risky. We’re all in a Schelling tipping point game.
That I agree with. But it feels like Democrats aren't just freaking out because the media is freaked - they are legitimately questioning his ability to be reelected under these conditions.
Exactly. “Ability to be reelected” is directly linked to what everyone is saying about the risks of him staying in the race. Perception is creating reality.
But it's linked to the reality we all saw of him faltering at the debate. Beginning to feel like we have to choose between what they say or our lying eyes.
I mean, Trump is an insane felon rapist and a lot of people still voted for him. There’s no rule that says we have to honorably give a shit about if our candidate comes off as slightly addled, especially when we’ve got a perfectly good VP who can take over as soon as he makes it past the post.
I could not give less of a shit about Biden or his mental abilities, but I do care about winning, and I am not sold that ditching him improves our odds of winning
Hey, I'll vote for a literal puppet on a stick if that's who the Democrats nominate. They can weekend at Bernie's him for all I care. But will everyone, is the question.
Remember Aesop's fable about the frogs who wanted a king? They got a log as king, and were fine, but it was boring. So they asked for an active king, and they got a stork, and were eaten.
for real. if biden is as bad as everyone who wants him to quit thinks, harris would be the fucking president anyway. like, do any of us really think biden is too old to run, or are we letting the media freak us out? when does everyone stop giving a shit what the NYT thinks?
There's no *rule*, but Trump's voters don't care because they're cultists and Biden's do because they're pragmatists. Comparisons between the two voter bases are mostly pointless.
And Trump couldn't stand working more than 3 hours a day, nor could he work a five day week without having to take a golfing vacation. He famously spent more time on Twitter than he spent governing.
There's even a campaign line in there if they have the stones for it: "What VPs are Actually For" etc. etc.
We can trust that Biden has assembled a competent team, including his VP, to get the work done, and vote to continue having a Democrat in the Oval Office Or we can split the vote and hand the nuclear football back to Trump In this world, with these systems, those are our choices 4 months out
I feel like we’re seeing different realities here, because what I’ve been seeing is he’s spent the weeks before and after the debate running around all over doing a reasonably competent job, no different than usual. Even the debate was just “meh,” not “ZOMG DISASTER” in my eyes The panic is WEIRD.
Did you see him on Friday in NC? Did you see him today in WI? (I don't necessarily mean you personally.) A tiny fraction of voters saw the debate. What is driving the narrative is the feedback loop of coverage, leading to concern, leading to more coverage, leading to more concern. At least IMO.
I just said this, but repeating: Biden coming across as "faltering," may also reflect his essential decency in not confronting Trump who was in all his mendacious glory. That's what Trump relies on: That others' humanity will restrain them so he can be as full-on despicable as he wants to be.
And yet the LITERALY FOLLOWING MORNING he had a rally in NC and was doing great. Almost like he got some much needed rest (notably also had a mild cough at the rally)
Seriously. The man is not doing well! People are freaked out because the debate was quite legitimately something that would cause a viewer to freak out, and the campaign did zero of the things that they would be expected to do if it was an isolated incident
I haven’t been able to listen to him speak in years because it’s so apparent and I love much of what he’s done. The decline is obvious and the polls show it. It’s sad but let’s not pretend it’s gonna change. I’m a lefty but I’ll knock doors for Kamala and I don’t think I’m alone in this
If your worry is that you, personally, think he’s unfit for office based on what happened in the debate that’s tied to what you saw. If your worry isn’t that, but that other people will perceive it that way and it will affect the election, your worry has actually zero to do with the reality you saw
He had just traveled across Europe, had a cold, and flubbed the 1st debate like most incumbents do. I will never understand why the story isn't Trump lying his ass off. More importantly, why aren't we discussing the GOP's betrayal of the Constitution?
I love that the photo chosen for this story features Sinema and Manchin centrally. As if the digital person who uploaded the story had some thoughts about it
And noted Democrats Rob Portman, Susan Collins, and Bill Cassidy.
So.. like all along, it's a personal mental issue on the voters (audience). Can't motivate those who are demotivated.
This assumes people's direct perception is fundamentally unreliable, and that what they do is shaped, predominantly, by the DC press. The reality that people are suddenly and directly perceiving is that this guy has declined *rapidly* and that this is not "just a cold."
"can the biden campaign survive my worry about the biden campaign" is some really self defeating stuff
Yup. And it’s exactly where we’re at.
I don't know that it's SELF-defeating. It's doing exactly what the people saying it want it to do. We just can't take it seriously or let it work.
Yeah it's unbelievable how people WILLINGLY give up their space to rightwing propaganda. TWICE.
I can’t say I have a great opinion in general of Democrat senior leadership’s stalwart resolve in the face of danger, which is also informing my opinion.
I can also say that if these people decide to replace Biden and Trump wins, they will become some of the most loathed people in history.
Inverse is also true tho. If they don’t replace Biden, and Trump wins, everyone who propped Biden up go down as villains. The stakes are so high and I see no clear answers.
The only difference is that people tend to get a pass for adhering to the status quo.
(not a lawyer) but I cannot see any red state supreme court letting Dems switch the ballot that easily (TBH I'm not sure how this stuff gets set/when it gets set)
Not sure that's worth the downsides
God if we don’t end up with Trump 2 this fall we all have to go to boring precinct meetings and shit and get these weasels in line, don’t we.
I appreciate Run for Something and their ilk but we need the “Club for Normies” group for those of us who like to talk shit and fix things.
I've always thought the one failing people won't forgive in their leaders is abject cowardice. But based on who keeps getting reelected over and over, I may be wrong.
Hell, they make people who jump at their own shadow seem steely. They won’t even freaking hold hearings or press conferences or even make quotes on the record about anything a Republican does.
I don’t know if those factors can be teased apart so neatly. Senior Dems freaking out are driving a news cycle that senior Dems have lost confidence in Biden, which is making more senior Dems freak out. It’s genuinely hard to tell which is cause and which is effect here.