
Clarence Thomas unquestionably committed tax fraud on his motorcoach deal and the president has the power to put him in handcuffs this afternoon, in his official capacity in charge of the IRS and federal law enforcement
Everyone knows that no Democrat is ever going to do this. Democratic Party partisans prefer explanations like "party leaders are inept or too polite" but the real answer is class interest: the Democratic Party does not work for its base but for its wealthy donors and this is against their interest
The thing that is specifically galling, were this to be the most accurate take, is that it’s not even a smart read on their self-interest. Even at the top 1%, a descent into Russia-style kleptocracy would create more losers than winners. So ineptitude is part of the conversation, in some form.
It's not a form of society where the politicians are actually the top .00001%, although they are often moderately wealthy. It's a form where the politicians feel like they can reliably serve the .00001% no matter who they are. They aren't in direct competition for oligarchy slots.
They don't see themselves as losers now, and don't think they will be losers then.