
Clarence Thomas unquestionably committed tax fraud on his motorcoach deal and the president has the power to put him in handcuffs this afternoon, in his official capacity in charge of the IRS and federal law enforcement
I think the IRS needs to be ordered to release the tax returns for various Trump and Kushners, as well as various Supreme Court justices and Trump advisors. Not illegal anymore!
Except we all know that SCOTUS would quickly rule that immunity doesn't extend to Democratic presidents.
"John Roberts has made his decision. Now let him enforce it."
That would be a great response.
This is the perfect confluence of pettiness and substantive!!!
what's great is you have the rejoinder for "well, what if the GOP does this after if we break this norm" "There is no *after* if the GOP take over"
This is a good one. Especially after the Chevron ruling to. I really think Biden needs to do something like this. And then turn and say, "See? Do you understand what's on the ballot now? If I can do this harmless thing, Trump can do the infinitely more malicious things he has promised."
Breaking: SCOTUS rules that RV bribes are official acts for Supreme Court justices
Didn't you know $276,000 RVs are tips? EVERYONE knows that!
Everyone knows that no Democrat is ever going to do this. Democratic Party partisans prefer explanations like "party leaders are inept or too polite" but the real answer is class interest: the Democratic Party does not work for its base but for its wealthy donors and this is against their interest
The thing that is specifically galling, were this to be the most accurate take, is that it’s not even a smart read on their self-interest. Even at the top 1%, a descent into Russia-style kleptocracy would create more losers than winners. So ineptitude is part of the conversation, in some form.
It's not a form of society where the politicians are actually the top .00001%, although they are often moderately wealthy. It's a form where the politicians feel like they can reliably serve the .00001% no matter who they are. They aren't in direct competition for oligarchy slots.
They don't see themselves as losers now, and don't think they will be losers then.
Brett Kavanaugh unquestionably committed perjury in his Senate Confirmation Hearing. Gitmo beckons.
as did all of them who lied about roe
I’m not talking about Roe. I’m talking about the attempted rape.
Yeah, but establishment Democrats don't actually want change, so they won't
Believing that the guy who smeared Anita Hill to install Clarence Thomas on the court in the first place is going to go out of his way to arrest him is the definition of magical thinking. You liberals need to realize that the call is coming from inside the house.
LOL. Dems won't even back their own guy... and we're supposed to rely on THEM to "Save Democracy"?
We back any Dem candidate that will assure a Win against the Destruction of Republicans, especially the ones Bought in the Supreme Court by Partisans seeking Tax benefits guaranteed by Congressional control if the win the WH too.
They're not interested in saving democracy. They're interested in saving the status quo.
I'd bet my life savings they won't do anything whatsoever substantive about this
Wow. You think this is the President’s job and not the independent IRS Criminal Investigations Division, which can opt to send recommendations to DOJ. It’s almost like people want Biden to take advantage of the Supreme Court immunity ruling and start breaking laws today.
Thus far since writing this, I've done three blocks in two hours of fellow progressives who don't believe either in majority rule or rule of law ... and probably never did. Biden acting as an autocrat, dictator, or king as Justice Sotomayor put it isn't a solution to the Trump problem.
Maybe they just think you don’t understand how jokes work
No, they very clearly were wanting hit jobs and mass arrests.
Based on just this thread I’m not sure I should take your word on what’s very clear in people’s posts
We all process shit in different ways. Today I learned my first reaction is to be ok with short-term authoritarianism to prevent authoritarian take-over. My second reaction has been to say, “Self, that is FUCKED UP. Authoritarianism is authoritarianism is authoritarianism.” My third reaction is…
apparently to remind folks that we are all still processing and venting and, most of all, posting through it, which is probably a bad idea, but also, how we do things now.
If you feel you can get further with people proposing to imprison or kill off political opponents because they object to today's ruling because they feel it allows for that (I think the latter reasonably), then more power to you. I am just blocking and noting what people are actually saying.
Processing by posting for the arrest and summary execution of Supreme Court justices, for example, is pretty effed up. If you’re asking me to hold off on pushback of that, you’ve come to the wrong person. Lefties can be like Trumpies. Today is proof.
Yes. It is. Humans do fucked-up things. Sometimes we manage to pull ourselves back from that ledge before we act by saying it out loud and hearing its wrongness. Sometimes we need to make it into a joke in order to not take that impulse seriously. Sometimes we need other folks to call it out.
Get the Senate Judiciary Committee to determine that Kavanagh committed perjury, and pick up another that wag
he won’t because Clarence Thomas is one of his buds
It’s satisfying to fantasize Biden doing so, but he won’t. He’s an institutional man. Like Merrick Garland, he will give lip service to justice. Not much more
In his official capacity as commander in chief of the US military, I imagine he has the power to simply order a drone strike on the homes of the justices.
Actually, military action against American civilians is expressly prohibited by law.
Isn’t the point of all this that the law no longer matters if the president is immune from prosecution?
One might come to that conclusion so, yes, a drone strike could be effective. I’d rather wait for AOC to return from vacation to see if impeachment goes anywhere. /s
It will be three years until his appeal is tried so let’s go Joe!!!
Exactly. And then he steps down and passes the torch to Harris.
Per recent developments, I think the President has the power to use a SWAT team to do this with a hair trigger and instructions to fire at the first sign of resistance for their personal safety.
there would be a black guy in the room so they only need to be scared.