
I appeared on Gray TV today to discuss the Supreme Court's ruling today in favor of Donald Trump on immunity and the likely impact of that decision on each of the four pending prosecutions of Former President Trump.
Supreme Court immunity ruling set to delay Trump’s criminal The conservative justices’ opinion that Trump is at least partially immune for what he did in office upends the timeline for his four criminal cases.
What about a superseding indictment in DC, meticulously following the Barrett, J. footnote?
Justice Barrett's footnote is part of a dissent, not a majority opinion.
I thought she concurred in part? In all but III-C?
Can Trump’s lawyers make the signing of the checks to Cohen an “official act?”
What do you make of Roberts' footnote in response to Barrett?
Which is it? Can you use official acts as evidence or not? This footnote reads like "ah, shit, uhhh, pretend I wrote a different, more subtle standard in the body"
It's all sort of "academic", because at the end of the day, any decisions made under this new doctrine will come back to this same court unless we get a lucky break in the next year or two. And at least 5 votes have made it clear where their sympathies lie and what they're willing to do.
Even if it were, the majority opinion is not telling other actors how to indict a former president while passing constitutional muster. It's saying that you probably can't indict a former president, but whether your attempt is good enough is up to them.
Isn’t it fun when the SCt, no less, sets up barriers to prosecution for the defense?