Wonton Goodsoup

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Wonton Goodsoup


these days they lock you up and put you in twitter jail simply for saying someone should kill themselves with a sword
saw a hedgehog in the garden. couldnt get a photo. put some water out for it :)
"if sydney sweeney's boobs walk into a room" sydney sweeney should have a gun and carte blanche to kill people who write about her
Someone sent this to me and it’s mostly dumb and amusing but there’s actually a core point here worth emphasizing, which is: if I were in a room with Sydney Sweeney I would do my best not ogle here because it’s rude and boorish to do so!
You cant make a chicken without fucking a few eggs
im stil hodling my invite codes the price is going to the moon just you wait
its free and easy but the enlightened move is to find different tabletop games. There are like 5 million. Start with something accessible, like (mischeivous grin) FATAL
Reminder that stealing from these guys is free and easy!
skys gone pink again. hope its not a portent or omen
This site might be developing a problem
like & share if you cry every time
Wes Streeting: Interesting. Looking into this
'Palantir’s founder Peter Thiel, said the NHS ‘makes people sick’ and that it should embrace privatisation. He even described the British love of the NHS as “Stockholm Syndrome”,and the whole organisation should be ripped up and started again.' Via NE Bylines northeastbylines.co.uk/the-problem-...
my job at the commune is making model ships or other comically tedious monastic endeavour. Everyone will think I'm wise or something (i will still be dumb as a post)
like two days ago will claimed these "hipster losers" were influencing millions of voters
every single day these NYC hipster losers tweet about me like 100 times. if you didn’t know better you might begin to think that the only thing they really care about is internet drama
The entirety of the left combined is probably swaying fewer voters than a typical "Patriots for PROTECTING THE CHILDREN" facebook group
The kamikaze left is convincing millions that the IRA, 3% unemployment, 5% GDP growth, no wars and withdrawal from Afghanistan, are a nightmare. They’re going to get Trump re-elected and in 3 years everyone will not be able to remember why Biden was bad and realize we collectively lost our minds
britain is basically three people, "Nothing will ever get better and i'll die in misery", "I like the misery and I think you deserve worse", and "Keir Starmer seems like a decent fella". The third guy is perpetually engaged in "running into painting of tunnel" behaviour
I had a dream last night I won a competition through tesco. The prize was a new set of internal organs (all of them except brain), donated by "someone I once knew". I'm not big into dream theory but I feel like there's some serious mileage in that for anyone who is.
this hospital bombing is going to make me fully fucking insane. They're gonna get away with it. They always fucking do. Half the press is already selling the IDF's shit
very difficult to be online in any capacity atm. not sure what to do. pacing the room, climbing the walls, etc. all i can do is hope hell exists
i dont know if the starmer voice clip is real but I dont care. it can be made real
remember when renault made an ugly car and the marketing was like "this car isnt ugly, it actually, has an ass, that you would like to fuck. Here's a bunch of footage of women's asses, and sometimes the car's ass. But mostly women's asses"
stopped trying to think of a real answer and let my mind drift and I am now enamored by thought of Columbo grilling a guy who says he was gooning at the time of the murder
In an alternate world where you are a murderer and Columbo is investigating you, what would he have to pretend that he and/or his wife are interested in?
this may be controversial but I think everyone in the british government and anyone likely to be in the next british government should be killed with hammers
Feinstein's aides had to call time on the bit because her legs fell off or something
a dumbass performs an escalating amount of asshole behaviour in order to find a treasure. The treasure isnt real, and he gets a psychic kick in the dick by a guy he crossed in a different game
2 men want to marry/date the same woman, one of them is dead