
I see that we’re getting to “I would have voted for Michelle Obama three times!”
Someone here just today was mentioning how even as Vice President people have become utterly deranged in dealing with Kamala Harris in a position of authority. Her PR team tried to push the “nurturing mom” angle and make her giggly all the time, and that didn’t work, either
And the thing is, I don’t want a mommy. I want Harris the whip smart prosecutor who will put your balls in a vice. But that’s political suicide for a woman, much less a Black woman, on a presidential ticket.
Thank you for articulating this so perfectly.
Specifically dealing with VVP: yes please!
Her only option is to be invisible. Any victory will be played as a defeat by the media. Any complication a sign she was the affirmative action hire they knew she was. Though I wished she was a smartass. "Hey, I'm not Cheney, haven't shot anyone in the face. Yet."