Chrissy Stroop

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Chrissy Stroop

Writer and speaker (give me work!)
Senior correspondent for Religion Dispatches Formerly: openDemocracy
Ball State (BA) and Stanford (PhD) alum
chrissystroop on Discord
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"The ideal set up by the Party was something huge, terrible, and glittering... a nation of warriors and fanatics, marching forward in perfect unity, all thinking the same thoughts and shouting the same slogans, perpetually working, fighting, triumphing, persecuting... all with the same face." 1984
When I got the news about the assassination attempt, "I knew there was no American 'unity' coming that would in any way include me as a transgender woman." The first night of the RNC certainly proved that last night, but pundits are still busy scolding Dems
America the An Assassination Attempt, Fake National Unity. and Our Fascist-Enabling Media
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As you know, the death of Twitter has devastated small creators. Would you please reskeet to help me get the word out about my newsletter, The Bugbear Dispatch? Thanks!
When I got the news about the assassination attempt, "I knew there was no American 'unity' coming that would in any way include me as a transgender woman." The first night of the RNC certainly proved that last night, but pundits are still busy scolding Dems
America the An Assassination Attempt, Fake National Unity. and Our Fascist-Enabling Media
I think you misread my point. I meant that non-Christians will for the most part define Christians sociologically, without reference to internal Christian disagreements. Because that simply makes sense. Christians trying to impose a singular definition of Christianity on the rest of us is a problem
Reposted byAvatar Chrissy Stroop
Chrissy has had some of my favorite takes on recent political discourses. her work is definitely worth the read!
As you know, the death of Twitter has devastated small creators. Would you please reskeet to help me get the word out about my newsletter, The Bugbear Dispatch? Thanks!
Reposted byAvatar Chrissy Stroop
The data really don’t seem to bear this out. For all white Christian demographics, the more frequently one attends church, the more likely one is to be an enthusiastic Trump supporter
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Reposted byAvatar Chrissy Stroop
As someone who grew up in a Christian Nationalist church who loved Jesus, was formed and torn apart by my faith, wrestled with it, and finally decided it will always be a part of me, it feels weird when someone says CN isn't real Christianity. It dismisses years of my life in a way.
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This year I started a series of artworks influenced by Picasso. I've taken elements of his style and used it to focus on topics he didn't, mainly Black women, with some African influences thrown in too. You can see the rest on my Patreon:
Reposted byAvatar Chrissy Stroop
I grew up in an evangelical church which I attended for 20 years, but I guess I have no idea how any religious communities work. Again, what do you hope to accomplish by yelling at non-Christian’s for pointing out that there are Christians who believe things that you disagree with?
Reposted byAvatar Chrissy Stroop
Chrissy is awesome. You should all read.
As you know, the death of Twitter has devastated small creators. Would you please reskeet to help me get the word out about my newsletter, The Bugbear Dispatch? Thanks!
The data really don’t seem to bear this out. For all white Christian demographics, the more frequently one attends church, the more likely one is to be an enthusiastic Trump supporter
Reposted byAvatar Chrissy Stroop
Um, no. That's not what Judaism is about. Jews argue with God.
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To put it another way, "Christianity cannot fail, it can only _be_ failed" is a stance that privileges Christianity above other religions, which are rarely (if ever) shown the same grace.
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This is a silly false equivalence
This is a silly false equivalence
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Christianity is Christians, toxic or not. When you try to separate the beliefs from the people, you are doing the Christian version of "Guns don't kill people, People kill people." The most benign seeming belief can be made toxic by the wrong person, and Christians need to wrestle with that.
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A large number of people who you are trying to exclude from your definition of Christianity believe that your special exclusionary definition does include them (and possibly not you.) The rest of us don't care about your doctrinal disputes. You're all just different flavors if Christian.
Reposted byAvatar Chrissy Stroop
Evidently no Christian ever did anything bad. I keep getting told that the pogroms, chattel slavery, you name it—all were carried out by people who weren’t real Christians. To outsiders, it all looks like an attempt to slough off responsibility.
Reposted byAvatar Chrissy Stroop
"My goal isn't to protect Christians, but Christ" This is a meaningless distinction for secular discussions of the behavior of Christianity, and also makes it clear your priority in this is downplaying any and all harms by Christianity to protect its reputation.
Reposted byAvatar Chrissy Stroop
Weird. I didn't know Jesus needed to be saved. Seems odd for a deity. Kind of a sad deity if he needs protecting. Maybe you are actually just trying to be a super fan of the super perfect image of super duper Christianity YOU believe in instead of dealing with a complex and often messy religion.
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Except the Christian nationalists I grew up with said they believe “that Jesus of the Bible was who he claimed” and that it completely changed their lives.
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Sure. But then there are interpretations that held sway for centuries. Interpretations like Constantinianism (named after Constantine I), that church and state should be unified. There isn't much breathing room between what Christianity was for most of its history, and Christian Nationalism.
The point is simply they the equation of a (nonexistent) singular “pure” form of Christianity with goodness is an expression of Christian privilege. It’s implying that “real” Christians can’t do anything seriously harmful
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(I'm definitely checking out now because there's an 80% chance you will begin attempting to interrogate my history to "prove" the people who harmed me weren't "real Christians" as though that means anything)
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If you were wondering, as an ex-Christian due to the harms of (sincere) Christians, I kinda care a lot about the ways people try to argue there's a pure unspoiled version of Christianity (coincidentally, theirs). So congrats on making me even more skeptical there are *any* Christians who'll listen.
As you know, the death of Twitter has devastated small creators. Would you please reskeet to help me get the word out about my newsletter, The Bugbear Dispatch? Thanks!
When I got the news about the assassination attempt, "I knew there was no American 'unity' coming that would in any way include me as a transgender woman." The first night of the RNC certainly proved that last night, but pundits are still busy scolding Dems
America the An Assassination Attempt, Fake National Unity. and Our Fascist-Enabling Media
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