Jonathan Quinn

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Jonathan Quinn

🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️♿️ They/them. AKA Rhea Billy Tatum. Drag queen, Episcopalian, theologian, comedian.
Vance needs to hold a press conference ASAP: “I Did. Not. Have. sexual relations with that futon…Miss La-Z-Boy…”
“Jesus, I’m a sinner, please come upon my body” -Dayspring (2024), by
Niland, California Population: 515 Photos from Google Places API Link:,_California
That awkward moment when, as a marine biologist, your company does random drug testing, and you’ve gotta switch out your sample real quick 😅
This is my daily self-affirmation Yes, I suck, and I love me 😌
one of the most powerful skills you can ever master for yourself is "yes, it sucks, and i love it". once you learn this you are free
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Don’t forget gaza Don’t forget gaza Don’t forget gaza
Does anybody know any good novels (YA is ok) with a transmasc protagonist? Trying to find a birthday gift for my husband 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
I think it’s pretty presumptuous of people to assume that, because comedy is my job, that I must be good at it I have lots of jobs, and I’m not good at any of them, thank you very much
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan Quinn
THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Top UN court rules that Israel’s settlement policy in occupied Palestinian territories is contrary to international law.
It’s adorable when a form asks for your employment history and assumes that you’ve had one job at a time, back-to-back, and like four jobs tops 😂 I have five jobs right now 🤡
People who have left the church often seem to assume that those of us who have remained must have had much better church experiences And, sure, some have But, sometimes being in the church for 10, 20 years longer than other people mostly means that churches have had that much more time to hurt us
Constantine did NOT make Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire I hear this all the time, including from people who should know better!
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
Used to get Grindr messages like this all the time 🤗
did you know? find a grave specifically stated they want people to abbreviate their name as "FG" because otherwise you get messages like this
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan Quinn
when i started on bluesky it felt like pretty much everyone here had been through the wars on twitter and was relieved to find a place free from that. lol. lmao even.
A lot of people I don’t follow and who don’t follow me on this website are acting like I owe them not only replies but explanations, justifications, citations of peer-reviewed literature… Let’s leave that shit on Twitter Here we block on vibes 😌
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan Quinn
I think these conversations would be improved by recognizing that there are at play different definitions of “Christian” and “Christianity,” And that it isn’t uncontroversial to expect religious adherents to adopt sociologists’ understanding of their own religion.
Make a band more fish Gia Gunns N’ Roses
Make a band more fish Fall Trout Boy
My husband and I were in the LA Pride Parade again this year 🌈 One thing I miss about getting to watch it instead of being in it is ✨ Booing the cops ✨
Really looking forward to Trixie Motel season 3, when they hunt for and renovate a nursing home for RuPaul
In the past I’ve said things like “Even suffering that is self-afflicted deserves our compassion,” But I would like to retract that in favor of: “lmao”
Guy waited five years and paid $102k for a Cybertruck, crashed it after four hours of driving, only for Tesla to tell him that "the accelerator may not disengage under braking" and that it will take $30k and one year to repair. Truly an L of historical proportions.
“PhD-level intelligence” is not that high a bar *and* they will fail to clear it I was in a PhD program, and most people I met in my program and others weren’t geniuses, but people of slightly-above-average intelligence and very conventional thinking
ChatGPT now to respond to all questions with “while compelling, that query is beyond the scope of this paper”
Laws against switchblades are ableist They’re so much easier to use 😢
After being visibly and vocally queer for so long, I’ve finally gotten old white Episcopalians to refer to me in gender neutral terms: “THOSE people”
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan Quinn
I fucking love David Tennant SO MUCH! (Source: Georgia Tennant's IG)
Also, I did this a YEAR ago WHERE ARE THE DADDIES 😠
Somebody over on FaceBook told me that if drag is allowed in church, then ppl in the leather community will start coming to church in their full regalia 1. DON’T THREATEN ME WITH A GOOD TIME 🥵 2. If leather daddies want an LGBTQ-embracing faith space, I’d be thrilled if they chose our church 🤷🏼‍♀️
Your last saved selfie is you on the outside while your last saved meme is you on the inside. They got me gals
Your last saved selfie is you on the outside while your last saved meme is you on the inside.
Do you think cavemen got on their version of Grindr and were like, “Ugh it’s all gatherers in this village 🙄”
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan Quinn
If Black people are talking about a Black subject and you’re *not* Black I encourage you to hold onto whatever point you desperately need to add and just don’t. Rinse/repeat for any other in-group conversations you come across when you’re not part of that group. You can learn more by saying less!
August and I are equally likely to do this, b/c he’s very literal & is in healthcare, and b/c I’m morbid as fuck 🖤
i held this card up at dinner and said "look, boys, a heart!" and brian very quickly interrupted, "that's not what a heart looks like. i can show you a heart." hannibal lector ass father
I’m preaching next Sunday(!) so I went dress shopping yesterday. I was having a bad day, and nothing looked good on me. Today I’m having a good day, and everything looks good on me. Which is also a problem 🥲