Dennis Mersereau 🛰️

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Dennis Mersereau 🛰️

I make it rain and then write about it. 📡 Bad opinions are all mine. Aspiring flâneur. My new book is THE SKIES ABOVE. He/him. 🏳️‍🌈
Leave what you want to say unsaid. Say it to a stuffed animal instead. Sit with it. Don't leave a paper trail.
Added a few new books to my weather shelf the other day. I'm always looking for more. What are some of your favorite books about the weather?
My birthday is next week and all I want is health insurance so I can afford therapy.
One of my neighbors got a Cybertruck. I thought someone dropped a dumpster in front of my building. Nothing prepares you for how ugly this thing is in person. 😭
Can't say it enough—this would be a remarkable satellite image during the peak of hurricane season, let alone on July 1st.
Hurricane Beryl is a category four with 130 mph winds, just 18 hours after first becoming a hurricane. This is the strongest Atlantic storm we've ever seen this early in the year. Any storm that can take root could erupt with these record-warm sea surface temps in the Atlantic. The vibe ain't good.
It's now Hurricane Beryl. It's one thing to know this could be an active season. It's another thing to actually see a hurricane form deep in the tropical Atlantic on June 29th. Geez.
Tropical Storm Beryl is expected to rapidly intensify into a major hurricane before hitting parts of the Lesser Antilles on Monday. Here's a comprehensive map of all the major hurricanes that have hit the Lesser Antilles during the month of July.
We've got Tropical Depression Two out in the Atlantic. If soon-to-be-Beryl (possiBeryl?) strengthens into a hurricane by Sunday as predicted, it'll be the farthest east we've ever seen a hurricane form in the tropical Atlantic in June.
Every corrupt Supreme Court decision is a reminder "the election of our lifetime" was 2016 and everything after is a decision on how many decades of horrors we have to endure. A second Trump term would cement this miserable court through the middle of the century.
This is the first time since I started paying attention as a teenager that I'll skip a presidential debate. No need to raise my blood pressure. Joe Biden is a fundamentally decent person who's done a good job considering what he's up against, and I'd crawl through a blizzard to vote for him.
The best part of being a writer is the part where the suits destroy the evidence that you once had a job.
ComedyCentral. com, had been home to clips from every episode of “The Daily Show” since 1999, and the entire run of “The Colbert Report,” but as of today, the site is gone
Paramount Axes Comedy Central Site, 25+ Years of Daily Show Clips One of the richest repositories of late-night videos—including 25 years of clips from 'The Daily Show' and the entire run of 'The Colbert Report'—is no longer.
I baked a lemon cake from scratch. I don't care how hot it is outside. This smell is worth it.
Keep an eye on a tropical disturbance moving into the Caribbean by next week. It's expected to be a very active hurricane season. Use the quiet time now to prepare for what may happen over the coming weeks and months.
July may start with tropical systems brewing in the A tropical disturbance moving toward the Caribbean has a medium chance of development by next week.
Depression and anxiety are absolutely crushing me today. But at least the sky is pretty.
The History Channel is so fake. I refuse to believe the guy who invented Necco Wafers was this hot. That is not an attractive man's candy.
Dudes will sit there and post about sabermetrics for 12 hours straight and then say the heat index is fake.
I wrote about the auroras (again) and how I still haven't gotten over the wonder of that night.
The lasting wonder of May’s incredible auroras | DAMNonsense
Hopped into Kerbal Space Program for the first time in a few years. I've missed it. Launching and landing over and over is like a digital fidget spinner.
It's such a delightful dopamine hit when someone aggressively passes you and you wind up next to each other at the same red light. 🤗
If a tornado outbreak killed a few hundred people, it would be remembered as a national tragedy. When a heat wave kills a few hundred people, it's the butt of countless jokes. It's a mistake to shrug off the deadly threat of extreme heat.
Extreme heat kills. It's no joke. Folks shouldn't treat it like Heat is responsible for nearly half of all weather-related deaths in the U.S. over the past ten years.
5-10" of rain could fall across the Texas and Louisiana coasts this week as a tropical disturbance moseys into the Gulf. It's a reminder that water temps across the Atlantic are ripping hot right now, and it doesn't take a named storm to make a big mess.
Tropical disturbance, unusually hot ocean likely to fuel Gulf Coast flooding this A tropical disturbance will bring very heavy rain to the Gulf Coast this week.
My Facebook feed is almost 100% "suggested" pages posting stolen images or straight-up AI spam. There's hardly anything from friends, and almost never anything from pages I actually follow. The new algorithm they launched sucks.
"Gyrates with activity" is an amazing phrase and I'm totally jealous I didn't come up with it.
Florida rains will subside the next couple days, while a Mexico-bound system is likely to emerge in the Bay of Campeche next week. Heavy rain becomes likely on the Louisiana, Texas, and Mexico coasts later this weekend. Additional tropical development is possible later in Texas and/or Mexico.
Focus on Florida will shift away this weekend, as western Gulf gyrates with activity next Headlines Florida rains will slowly subside the next couple days. System likely in the Bay of Campeche next week, probably lower-end and heading quickly into Mexico. Heavy rain around a broader eas…
Played with QGIS a little today and I think this is my first successful orthographic projection. 🥳 Every previous attempt had random lines scribbled everywhere or flat-out broke the program.
[adds to resume] will perform work for Lego sets
Ugh, you and me both, Admiral.