
I’m sorry for posting a twitter screenshot BUT: the pinned post on this quoted doctor’s account is in support of using ivermectin to treat covid
I going through people’s mentions and blocking pre emptively just because…. I do not like getting yelled at!
The internet has made information very accessible to people but unfortunately not everyone understands how to interpret that information or evaluate a source
The transformation of ivermectin from “nah bro it totally cures COVID” into “it’s a panacea that not only cures COVID it cures everything else and undoes bad stuff from the COVID vaccines” has been wild to watch.
I wish it did! I use ivermectin cream for my rosacea (an actual on-label use), and I'd really appreciate it if it fixed my long COVID while it's there. Oh, ivermectin is STUPID expensive now. I wonder why?
I bet intractable muscle movements are those supposed vaccine victims who film themselves trying to pull off the body tremor acting reel of a lifetime
Other things it could be are SSRI withdrawals or TD from long term antipsychotic medications. The five month period would be enough for SSRI withdrawals to subside. Could be Huntington’s or diabetes induced neural damage. This is an uncontrolled anecdatum.
nah this person is about as far from any actual medical diagnosis or conditions as you could possibly get
I remember when the Ivermectin narrative first got deployed, a purported medical doctor who moderated r/conservative spent hours every day promoting it all over Reddit. That dude’s account eventually got suspended. I hope he got sued or arrested. Ugh
Not sure how active she is but that doctor also has a (heavily blocked) account on here lmao
Gave my dog literally ivermectin yesterday for heart worm prevention.
Sounds like he was just severely constipated.