
Andor, while very good, is becoming Harry Potter for leftists. It’s giving “read another book.”
Take your inspiration where you can get it but I find it very funny that people are posting Andor clips right now as if the Disney corporation gives a fuck
One time on the other site someone told me that Andor was “basically anarchist agitprop” it’s an above average science fiction show produced by Disney be for fucking real
Write “one way out” on your protest signs but please don’t forget to show up for the march
If ever there were a day to use the tools of your enemy to defeat your enemy, this could be the most one.
Corey, take literally 15 seconds to figure out who you’re talking to
But this could be the most one, Gita.
There was nothing anarchist about the antifascist themes in Andor. It was very pro "government should be made of the people with the consent of the people." Lots of folks just project what they want onto a work of art, which is part of the process of enjoying it! But recognize your own input ffs.
cam you explain to me why you think this way, because I cannot disagree more
A show based on the life of young Joseph Stalin is “anarchist agitprop?” Like, it’s a great show, and I do think it’s a good entry point into people understanding how revolutions kick off (and the cost of it). But it’s not anarchist or even agitprop, it’s just a story, goddamn.
It’s literally just a television show. A good television show, but a show nonetheless.
eh, i'm pretty excited about the impossible to suppress surge of revolutionary art rn; but it's not even the best thing that's come out along those lines in the last year
I think its a sign of how utterly cultural production feels captured that a show can stake out positions like "maybe prisons are bad and not in a cool way" and "fascist twerps suck shit" and people latch onto it with this desperation to turn it into something its not
And like...I love Andor. I do think the way it handles that prison arc is different from how prison is depicted on American television in some actually really important ways. But it is a TV show. You the viewer need to do additional work to synthesize and transform what you get from it.
some people need to breathe into a paper bag fr
Can't build a politics on media preferences.
gotta give it credit for prompting me to watch Michael Clayton
gita doesn’t ever miss
If it were agitprop then I'm pretty sure I'd feel inspired to do something other than watch the next season of Andor
Love the show! Pretty bleak that a show that is like “fascism is bad AND we will show actual ways it functions” is now as politically left as people can handle
Been a long time since tv could handle more tbh.
i really like andor, but yeag, posting media as though it is action is very "harry potter millennial" type shit
i've seen some conversation of "how did the creators smuggle this Leftist Revolutionary Messaging past disney :0" and like... buddy i dunno what to tell you, it's still star wars, just a little louder about WHY a resistance would form
They made the show because they knew it might get them an Emmy nom and if not nerds would buy action figures
the bar's so low. it's even funny to watch the monologue being posted because it can feel real-world inspiring and then it goes "the floors are no longer murderous if you step on them!" like oh right this is still about a scifi space prison
The people in charge of corporations do not understand or enjoy art and part of that is not believing it has any power at all. It might be "anarchist agitprop" (lol it's not) but they made it because they don't think it will actually change how anyone thinks or acts.
getting pissed because the sorting hat quiz stuck me in the ISB
People turning their media consumption into a personality trait are always the most annoying
yeah like it’s a good show but c’mon
Dare we imagine a world where Andor is looked back upon as twee and conservative as we now do for HP? "Oh, wow, stand together against cops and dismantle prison labor, did 21st century people really find that revolutionary?"
Especially since I finally watched it and I don't think you get to call yourself acab anything if you only trot Saw Gerrera out to talk about how he's wrong and an ideological purist and he should be more strategic and nuanced like Mon Mothma
its funny i would probably like andor but i refuse to watch it for spiteful reasons of people recommending it too much and also generic dislike of giving disney my eyes
Say it with me young comrades: Posting is not praxis.
Haven't watched it but I imagine it's about as anti-fascist as Wolfenstein. I,e, saying fascists are bad but saying nothing about how we build a world where fascists can't ever take power again.
Liberal anti-fascism that fails to be truly anti-fascist because it fails to question the systems that empowered the fascists in the first place.
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