
I'm "attracted to alcohol but don't generally get drunk" is what I say one drink before blacking out
The Temptation of Moopsy. An acrylic painting depicting the time Moopsy didn't want me to clean her cage, so I lured her out with a teaspoonful of rum. Did you know that hamsters are attracted to alcohol but don't generally get drunk? They are, all right. #FindFolkFriday
I used to work as a dog walker in 2008 and there was a dog that would come in whose owner was drinking themselves to death and would throw up beer in the morning, the dog was also very sweet but skittish and low trust It made me so mad
Christ, that sounds rough
This was actually not the worst dog I worked with while I was there, it was just the saddest case I do not miss 2008
Fortunately (?) nowadays I get an adverse physical reaction to alcohol well before I get drunk.
I've maintained my ability to drink fairly well but now I sleep terribly afterwards
After 1 beer I usually have reflux :/ I do like the taste but that's when I have to stop