
Just like none of the bold investigators backfilling Joe Biden's feeble debate performance with punchy anonymous quotes have ever figured out why Trump was rushed to Walter Reed, claimed he wanted a spur-of-the-moment weekend checkup, and a year later declared that he had NOT had a series of strokes
"Executive Time" fell out of the coverage of Donald Trump in the most incredible way. Nobody writing about his quest to become president again ever mentions the fact that he hated the job when he had it and he couldn't and wouldn't really do it!
Somebody reported it was a scheduled colonoscopy but he wasn't willing to tell anyone because he wasn't willing to let Pence be president while he was under.
normally someone going in for a colonoscopy isn't escorted to a waiting car with his shirt open, looking like he wasn't really breathing well, with 5 or 6 people all around them making sure he didn't collapse again. someone either did cpr, or they had a heart monitor hooked up to him.
Do we have images of that? I think I was Off Social Media that week…
oh i'm sure they exist, i'm just not sure i wanna fuck my search results by looking for a shirtless pic of trump. 🤢
Notice I didn’t Google it either…