
"Executive Time" fell out of the coverage of Donald Trump in the most incredible way. Nobody writing about his quest to become president again ever mentions the fact that he hated the job when he had it and he couldn't and wouldn't really do it!
The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
Literally all they care about is the fact that it freed him up to talk to them (in some cases them personally!) as much as they wanted
Trump voters don't care about the job getting done. I'm convinced they truly don't think the Presidency matters. What they want is someone who hates the same people they do and who says he'll hurt those people for them.
and to keep that guy they like out of jail (his only real purpose for running again imo)
No; they want JUDGES. and someone in the White House who will give them the ones they want.
He doesn’t want the job so he can do the job. He wants to be free of consequences.
I think he genuinely believes that he was an awesome president. Completely divorced from reality.
He likely also believes he was an “awesome” businessman. Both divorced from reality. Bottomline, he’s just a crook.
“President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He will make many calls and have many meetings.”
Trump literally fell asleep in court.
And yet, trying to steal it back once he'd lost it is about the only thing he's done any sort of work for in his whole waste of a life.
This is because the expectation the press has of Democrats is “a party that will actively govern the country” and the expectation it has of Republicans (esp Trump) is “irresponsible at best, actively destructive at worst”
good thing the SC says it's a-ok for him to rule as a divine right monarch this time
Yeah, it’s ridiculous. Biden has to concentrate as much work as he can into ten hours. Trump watches TV and plays golf all day.
In fairness, if a job I hated doing suddenly became the best way to keep me out of prison, maybe I’d suddenly like it a lot more.
One of the few times he ever told the truth is when he said the job was harder than he expected.
"President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening," the White House said late Sunday. "He will make many calls and have many meetings."
basically the only time he seemed like he wanted the job was when it was time for him to not have it anymore
he literally just wants the immunity and the power. he couldn't care any less about the actual running of the country, which is why he's so dangerous. his fascist lackeys will be able to do anything they want, in his name. and they just have to make him think it's a good idea to get away with it.
Despite him already having been President they’re completely committed to treating him as an unknown quantity. With the inherent implication that an unknown quantity could be an improvement over the not great status quo
The most tragic aspect of the debate around Biden's age is that that his precipitous decline is chiefly due to how much he actually cares about the country and being President. Trump didn't age nearly as much because he spent all his time on his phone or watching TV. He's not tough. He's lazy.
Don’t forget the endless golfing, stuffing his mug with burgers, sleeping till late morning. We all know from his staff he never shows up at the West Wing before 11am. Lazy sack of 💩!!
Plus trump, as Noel Casker and others have said, uses drugs to make himself seem peppy.
Trump’s public schedules certainly never had anything before 10am, so why starting the workday at 10 is suddenly a scandal I don’t know.
Trump never had a workday in his ugly life. He’s a lazyass crook and always has been.
Hell; do we not remember post-election’s "President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He will make many calls and have many meetings." they would publish and call a ‘schedule’???
the only reason he's running is to stay out of jail
This time the Federalist Society and the Agnes Dei are fixing it so there really isn't any job for him to do and he will be free to have people flung through the Moon Door.
Yes, but that was before he could lock people up on a whim and steal with impunity. Now thanks to the Roberts court he'd get to do the stuff he likes!
At the same time, "doesn't need any more sleep than Trump" isn't the strongest selling point.
Now he’s reshaping the job more to his preferences.
They really want the ratings and clicks that come with nonstop bedlam.
No more comparing Trump and Biden, please. It’s not helpful. I don’t give a shit if you 100% believe Biden has best chance at beating Trump either. Biden is obviously unfit to serve. Clear as fucking day. The right, moral thing is for him to go. Just start there.
I feel like we've forgotten that he never intended to win the first time, it was all a Producers type scheme in order to launch Trump TV with Bannon and Ailes.
He spent 3 days a week golfing and the rest touring his show.
"... he [coundn't and wouldn't]..." had to make # of that... #45CouldntAndWouldnt
He only wants it now because it’s how he gets out of being prosecuted. Ironically a big reason he’s being prosecuted is to keep him from getting the job.
That's the thing about the sleepy Joe nickname. As usual it had its roots in trump's own failures. GOP: every accusation is an admission. -see also 'lawfare', corruption, mishandling documents, voter fraud, child abuse, etc etc
He offered Kasich the VP slot and said he could be in charge of foreign and domestic policy. That fucker never intended to work.