
Just like none of the bold investigators backfilling Joe Biden's feeble debate performance with punchy anonymous quotes have ever figured out why Trump was rushed to Walter Reed, claimed he wanted a spur-of-the-moment weekend checkup, and a year later declared that he had NOT had a series of strokes
"Executive Time" fell out of the coverage of Donald Trump in the most incredible way. Nobody writing about his quest to become president again ever mentions the fact that he hated the job when he had it and he couldn't and wouldn't really do it!
Dude has been talking about killing sharks underwater with batteries and that's fine
Honestly I was kind of fine with that, at least it was some kind of organic weirdo train of thought instead of the pickled-brained MAGA jargon that dominated his side of the debate
He was definitely extremely coordinated after that. No problems walking down inclined no sir
Had definitely not had a series of strokes, but regularly does the MOCA. After my own stroke, I haven’t been comfortable going down stairs without a hand rail. I picked your reply so I could say: good callout.
What was funny about that is the speculation was he had a single stroke and then he addressed it by denying he had a series of mini strokes which raised more questions than answers
Much like Greenwald’s unprompted assertion that he did NOT poison his husband by the way
I believe him. I believe the Russians did it for him
I remember so many people post-2020 being like, "ok NOW we'll get the goods and not just the palace intrigue" but it turns out reporting the goods takes a modicum of investigative effort and moral integrity
Christ, I'd forgotten all about that.
That admin was such a fucking firehose of insanity, we all have to forgive ourselves for not being able to retain big chunks of it.
I *still* don't remember this one. Doesn't even sound familiar.
I've basically accepted that I will spend my twilight years filling in the gaps in my memory of how fucked-up 2017-2021 was.
And once we start needing Executive Time, no one will believe the true stories we tell…
That’s an optimistic scenario where things haven’t continued to get incrementally worse. Maybe stories from TFG’s first term will seem quaint then, if we’re even allowed to discuss them.
That really seems to be when he started to lose his fastball too on insults and speeches. It could just be that he's now 4 years older, but it tracks pretty well to that time too.
Oh, and they didn't include my quote: Joe might need an earlier bedtime, but on the plus side, he does not mistake important documents for food.
His COVID hospitalization was also much worse than anyone was told - wasn't there a period of time that it was suggested Pence should be sworn in because he was so out of it but his insiders refused?
I love for all her trump whispering, maggie couldn’t touch him getting covid and almost dying. lol journalism
It was pretty bad. I remember him coming back to the White House and walking up the steps, visibly struggling to breathe, then inexplicably saluting a helicopter? He also gave Covid to Chris Christie, for whom I harbor no affection but he got really sick and had to go to the ICU.
Somebody reported it was a scheduled colonoscopy but he wasn't willing to tell anyone because he wasn't willing to let Pence be president while he was under.
normally someone going in for a colonoscopy isn't escorted to a waiting car with his shirt open, looking like he wasn't really breathing well, with 5 or 6 people all around them making sure he didn't collapse again. someone either did cpr, or they had a heart monitor hooked up to him.
Do we have images of that? I think I was Off Social Media that week…
oh i'm sure they exist, i'm just not sure i wanna fuck my search results by looking for a shirtless pic of trump. 🤢
Notice I didn’t Google it either…
They also never really bothered to dig into Trump’s medical records being scooped up from his weirdo NY Dr’s office. And I believe that Dr is dead now, so he can’t fill us in any further.
Trump's doctor says Trump bodyguard 'raided' his office, took Bornstein said he felt "raped" after White House aide Keith Schiller and lawyer Alan Garten showed up unannounced and took Trump's files.
(Not suggesting Trump had his weirdo doctor knocked off, btw. Just that it’s more difficult to investigate now that he’s dead.)
I've never forgotten. The president's daily schedule began to simplify until every day was a carbon copy: "The President will have many important meetings and phone calls." This was shorthand for watches TV all day and tweets about it.
The guy fell asleep at his own trial.
Trump's declaration he had NOT had a series of strokes, didn't raise any questions that were answered by the declaration.
"The Republic was President Trump's umbrella. Not that it shielded him from the elements, but that it was discarded when he couldn't be bothered to figure it out how to use it when he no longer needed it"
Trump's brain wasn't great during his presidency and it's obvious that he's deteriorating. No one seems to remember that he got Covid from his side-piece either.
Gotta love that the staffers report was that he had less energy outside the 10-4 window. As someone who only works a 9-5 job, I can confirm that I'm only functional 10-4 on a good day.
I mean, he spent over 20% of his days in office at the golf course.
I look at it this way: if Biden is on deaths door, hey, President Kamala Harris!
I've always wondered about that incident, but I suppose the media didn't want to disturb their ongoing narrative....
He just slept his way through his CRIMINAL TRIAL. You know who sleeps in public? People who are dying. And can we pause again to say CRIMINAL TRIAL? One of several he should face. One where he was CONVICTED after having been found to have RAPED someone? It’s “Old news” bc msm hates women, really.
Convicted here, found to have raped in a whole other case. Just to clarify I didn’t mean they were the same. Which is WILD I have to do this.
I thought the late night Walter Reed visit turned out to be for a colonoscopy.