Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya

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Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya


Student and teacher of economics. Math, computing and physics enthusiast. Associate Professor, Ambedkar University Delhi. https://jyotirmoy.net
It is harder to do labour economics in an underdeveloped country. Without specialized human capital, people move from one sector to another, one place to another, to make ends meet. Home and work are often intermixed. I long for Norway.
I wrote about Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu and the other defendants in the Rivonia trial, and their complex insights into human behaviour and political violence rachaelmeager.substack.com/p/rivonia-1964
All noise no signal kind of day today. But I learnt that RStudio supports SQL chunks. Now if they were to just add autocomplete ...
There’s a new version of PyFixest on PyPi with - very good speed improvements 🚀 - two-way clustering - cluster jackknife inference for Poisson regression github.com/s3alfisc/pyf...
I know some things because I've had weird obsessions since middle school. That's also why I don't know many things.
often, i find myself in positions of having to explain how it is i know things that I Just Know. the real answer is "I am insane" and people don't often like this answer. but...you have to be a little batshit to navigate around human limits. otherwise, you don't know what they are.
I really need to memorize the proof of Taylor's Theorem with Remainder.
Announcing dollarization—hoping to lower inflation—may lead to more inflation! Yep, title+abstract upside down! Context: Argentina is actually seriously debating adopting the dollar, giving up the peso and monetary policy. But it has very few dollars now so... nber.org/papers/w31763
If anyone is interested in hearing how we conducted a nationally representative survey of immigrants in the U.S., join me in a couple weeks as I present on which sampling decisions worked (and didn't). www.eventbrite.com/e/conducting...
Conducting Effective Surveys with Immigrant and Refugee Populationswww.eventbrite.com Learn about conducting surveys of U.S. immigrant and refugee family communities in this online webinar sponsored by PANJAAPOR.
Was trying to explain to a traditional IT person yesterday why #duckdb is so great and didn't succeed. The ergonomic fit it has to a single person on their own laptop running ad hoc queries interactively on data that is somewhat big but not too big is hard for outsiders to appreciate.
And on the third day, God gave the economist exogenous variation
Today's writing: Waterman 52V. Ink: De Atramentis Document Black. My favorite black fountain pen ink for sketching!
1/3 In 1984, Stanford economists 📉📈 tried to hire someone in "feminist studies", by which they in fact meant "gender economics." The search committee concluded that "two names came to the top of the list"
I have a webpage full of advice for aspiring astrophysicists: www.astrokatie.com/solicited-ad... Feel free to share it with anyone who might find it of use! 🌌🔭
Solicited Advice — KATIE MACK, ASTROPHYSICISTwww.astrokatie.com
Next week I'm teaching poverty measurement and I made a little shiny app where students can move incomes or the poverty line around and see how various common poverty measures change. Feel free to use or share or tell me what I should add or modify. ryanbriggs.shinyapps.io/Poverty_Meas...
Trying to isolate out some of the things I like about R, thanks to a tip from @shriram.bsky.social I discovered Shutt's thesis on the vau-calculus, which lets you define function-likes which get their arguments unevaluated. dcreager.net/pdf/Shutt201...
Screengrab from the Netflix movie 'Jaane Jaan'. Anyone have an idea what math this is? Reddit says it is a spectral sequence calculation.
My favourite textbook of all time: Introduction to Electrodynamics by Griffiths. What is yours?
Also work in progress, but over a longer horizon. Pure math. Most interested and best prepared right now in probability theory but also curious about logic and set theory.
My to-do list. High-dimensional probability and statistics. Vershynin, Wainwright and others.
My last paper. Using data from the Indian Periodic Labour Force Survey to describe labour market transitions. Used matching on characteristics to circumvent a data coding problem. arxiv.org/abs/2110.05482
I once used Haskell to numerically solve a macro model github.com/jmoy/avb-eco...
End of feed.