
I see that we’re getting to “I would have voted for Michelle Obama three times!”
Someone here just today was mentioning how even as Vice President people have become utterly deranged in dealing with Kamala Harris in a position of authority. Her PR team tried to push the “nurturing mom” angle and make her giggly all the time, and that didn’t work, either
For some reason they have an easier time making unimportant things into contempt worthy disqualifiers with women... I've heard ad nauseam that her laugh is bad
I just had a horrible realization - I’ve never heard Trump laugh. I don’t want to, and I don’t think he’s capable of it, but how strange
I’m so goddamned tired of hearing about this scumbag. Please, arterial plaque, you have one job…
I am not even joking when I exhaled so heavily in November of 2020 genuinely believing there was no way this cocksucker made it 4 more years
I’m still holding out hope that the stress of campaigning WHILE ALSO avoiding prison WHILE ALSO STILL being engaged in multiple criminal defenses will result in nature taking its course
To be clear, I’m still cautiously optimistic about him losing the election, it would just be nice if the actuarial tables rendered it a moot discussion
Can you imagine the shit show that will inevitably happen when he kicks the bucket? His hordes will storm Langley and the Pentagon.
I'm not sure about that. He couldn't manage to get more than a dozen supporters out to picket his trial. I do think that the Republican Party turns into the nastiest brawl imaginable as they all fight for the top. I'm kinda looking forward to that, especially DeSantis being annihilated again.
It’s a coin toss, but I’m holding out hope for the GOP to fracture into a half dozen or so factions that end up destroying each other
Even Hell has limits on immigrants.