Classy Warfare

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Classy Warfare

Occasional Army guy; US security adviser to Atropia; a humble dingus; he/him
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Mostly agree except on reflection I feel like the three-day combo of the shooting, the Cannon decision, and the Vance pick was a powerful reminder of how miserable and exhausting it was to live with one goddamn thing after another when this guy had the spotlight for four straight years
I think Trump getting shot and being photographed with a defiant fist in the air, bloodied and unbowed, will actually lead to zero changed votes. He might be the only person in the universe that would be true of.
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time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
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wine mom memes about what would ordinarily be treated like a horrible tragedy...there's something in the air and it isn't good for the Trump ticket
my mom put this in my whole family group chat last night
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I think the phenomenon I've really seen is how many regular people had the reaction of wishing a former president had had his brains blown out on live TV. Not freaks or radicals, someone's mom.
My brother and I are discussing how to design a game based on corruption in the naval acquisitions process in the early 20th century and the name we’ve settled on is the Graft Spree
So there’s no way to turn this off right? Every time I open this app it’s gonna auto play and I just have to live with it? I went into the settings and there was no way to disable it or change how the home screen works or anything, just a “open with video muted” (which what why isn’t that default??)
Okay, start the app. It immediately starts playing Some Fuckin' Video and also pops up a series of "this is how you use the app!" windows which I have to close out of WHILE THIS VIDEO I DID NOT CHOOSE IS PLAYING to finally FINALLY get to the toolbar to let me navigate away
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And it's worth remembering that loads of loser pundits were CERTAIN the Ds would get destroyed in the last midterms. And... we did not! It's July. The election is in November. Think of how many different things have happened in just the last two weeks. There's an ETERNITY of time left. Let's use it.
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they want and need everyone to believe that it is hopeless and that nothing matters and that nothing will ever get better, but, like, they’re wrong. they’re liars. they lie, depression lies, this whole thing is a fucking con to get you to think that submission is better than liberty.
these people cannot win and they know it, their entire schtick is pretending that the reich on the march will keep everyone quiet and scared, but, again, we do not have to believe them, and if we do not, they lose.
Here’s the shitty thing about being the good guy: If you believe (rightfully in my opinion) that the continued existence of the Republic and the next 50 years of American democracy are on the line, you’re *morally and ethically obligated* to keep up the fight, even if it had Biden at a 1% shot
For all the terrified Democrats squealing that Biden has no chance, please just stop your sobbing. We absolutely can win.
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For all the terrified Democrats squealing that Biden has no chance, please just stop your sobbing. We absolutely can win.
Currently channeling the strength of the elderly Scottish woman on the street interviewed on the death of Margaret Thatcher
All I ask of the universe is that, just this once, could the bad guys suffer one (1) Public Consequence for being bad guys
“Imagine the world we could have if Trump wasn’t Trump!” So the funny thing about Trump is, he already was president once and was shit at it, literally no reason to rehire the guy even if he had a Road to Damascus moment. He wasn’t bad at president because he was a bad person, he was just bad at it
I have never read anything more credulous than Axios’s thing about Trump this morning. Like…
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in case you were wondering, I am not hearing any real life sympathy for trump from my offline friends, I am hearing a lot of “it sucks that he missed” lmao
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one of my more fervent and radical beliefs is that monarchists have no place in the united states and should feel afraid of expressing monarchist views and unwelcome in any company
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It sounds like many people are saying that the shooter may have been motivated by the recently revealed connections between convicted felon and court-adjudicated rapist Donald Trump and notorious child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.
I cannot stress this enough: it has not been 100% confirmed that a gunmen tried to kill convicted felon Donald Trump because of Trump's long-term and close ties to notorious child-rapist Jeffrey Epstein. This is something that many people are simply thinking more and more.
FWIW all my army and veteran friends’ main takeaway appears to be critiquing the technique of the shooter, so, who even knows what’s going on anymore
Marginally better this time around, hit 3 miles and didn’t wanna throw up and die but was definitely not doing great. Still tapped but I can walk and talk which is a nice plus comparatively Think I might have to shift fire to sprints the next few runs
Unrelated to all the various doom-posting: Went for a run, goal was 5 mi/42:30, hit mile marker 3 and realized I was going to throw up and heat cat so I called it quits. The Responsible Adult in my brain who normally has the wheel agreed. The Army Brain Worms are less understanding
I’m really not mentally prepared for how Goddamned Stupider everything is going to get thanks to the dude shooting Trump
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Biden has the ability to run an outsider, anti-establishment, anti-elitist style campaign as the sitting President. What a time to be alive.
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I feel like this is highly underrated by politics junkies. Regular people don’t like waking up in the morning, seeing the news, and thinking “Jesus Christ what now” for 1,462 consecutive days
Nways the reason i think biden won the debate is because hearing trump talk again induces Memories and thats the first time a lot of people have heard him talk for a while and i suspect post debate polling will show bear this out
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the country is in a really grim place, and it would be really great if the national conversation were "who's foreign policy do you like" or "wow what great economic ideas the two candidates have, but I prefer this one instead of that one", but alas, that is not where we are
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I am a social democrat. I believe in milking the rich dry until we no longer need them, not patting them gently on the back or creating a comfortable environment for their bullshit.
Unrelated to all the various doom-posting: Went for a run, goal was 5 mi/42:30, hit mile marker 3 and realized I was going to throw up and heat cat so I called it quits. The Responsible Adult in my brain who normally has the wheel agreed. The Army Brain Worms are less understanding
This, coupled with the fact that the Project 2025 stuff wasn’t (as far as I saw) being pushed by anyone in particular and just kinda took off on its own, leads me to tentatively believe the average American understands the big picture of the election and isn’t particularly swayed by the Biden stuff
Weird case in point I put 'biden age' and 'project 2025' into Google Trends which isn't a perfect comparison but the result I got was completely unexpected
Okay since we’re all just making up plot lines: The people pushing for Biden to step aside/down turn out to be typical rich assholes, Biden and the various named would-be successors denounce them publicly, inspiring populist messaging happens, capitalism defeated at the ballot box, roll credits
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Clooney et al are treating this with the emotional slant of sports radio callers upset at the starting quarterback and want them benched before the next game