Zack Davisson --> SDCC

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Zack Davisson --> SDCC

Eisner-winning Translator/Writer/Lecturer. Writes: ULTIMATE X-MEN, ART OF STAR WARS VISIONS, KAIBYO: THE SUPERNATURAL CATS OF JAPAN Translates: Shigeru Mizuki, Matsumoto Leiji, Satoshi Kon. Go Nagai. Gou Tanabe. Saber fencer. Warhammer 40K. Magic. He/Him
Prints and merch are entirely different skills than sequentially storytelling. That is a key difference. In Japan, they hone their storytelling skills first, art second.
Had my first ever post blocked by Facebook for trying to share this news article. It begins...
Oh, not at all. And my post was widely misunderstood, by people thinking it is about an art style. Which it is not...
It's difficult to say. Manga has much more established pathways, but also MUCH greater competition for those available pathways. The pool of professional-level artists is considerably larger in Japan.
It's not a Western comics versus Japanese comics discourse, at least not from me. It's about a growing number of Western artists who only see success as publishing comics in Japanese in Japanese magazines. They want to appear in Shonen Jump, which is an almost impossibly high bar.
Instead of making exactly the comics they want and marketing them to a Western audience, their dream is to be read by a Japanese audience.
My two weeks of Nancy guest strips start today! Relatedly, if anyone can get me newspaper clippings of these, PLEASE let me know.
Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for July 08, 2024 | July 08, 2024
Thanks Helen. From you, that means everything.
A fun fact about my chapter - I had to read all but one of series I was to write about for the very first time. And imagine that, they were mostly really great. Who woulda thunk super popular manga are engaging and fun? I got to be excited by almost all for the first time.
Same. I tried to pop on when things there were things going on outside, like sirens, to see if people had news, but it was useless. My "neighborhood" encompasses places 50 miles away.
My wife Chef Miyuki was invited to attend the ceremony for her mentor, Shiro Kashiba, who was decorated with the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays, by His Majesty the Emperor at the Consul General’s official residence. The lineage goes from Jiro, to Shiro, to Miyuki.
Can I just say publicly how AMAZING it is to co-write a book with Frederik L. Schodt? A book on manga history? He is, to quote Dickens, the Founder of the Feast that we all currently enjoy. Decorated by the emperor of Japan, Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Stars with Rosettes I am truly not worthy.
Our new book, MANGA: A VISUAL HISTORY is out in November. The history of manga from Hokusai to modern day. By myself, Frederik L. Schodt, Rachel Thorn, , Jonathan Clements. An absolutely stellar list of contributors I am proud to be a part of
When writing THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO JAPANESE YOKAI I asked myself "Why another yokai encyclopedia?" I broadened the definition as much as possible, to give people a full taste of what has been called yokai over the centuries.
Our new book, MANGA: A VISUAL HISTORY is out in November. The history of manga from Hokusai to modern day. By myself, Frederik L. Schodt, Rachel Thorn, , Jonathan Clements. An absolutely stellar list of contributors I am proud to be a part of
I think many people will be shocked to learn that I wrote the entry on Sailor Moon and not . (I did have her check what I wrote, though.)
One of my favorite things about this book was that I was able to include my beloved Saga Miyuki into the lineup of luminaries.
Our new book, MANGA: A VISUAL HISTORY is out in November. The history of manga from Hokusai to modern day. By myself, Frederik L. Schodt, Rachel Thorn, , Jonathan Clements. An absolutely stellar list of contributors I am proud to be a part of
I tried Nextdoor once and yeah... that describes it.
Our new book, MANGA: A VISUAL HISTORY is out in November. The history of manga from Hokusai to modern day. By myself, Frederik L. Schodt, Rachel Thorn, , Jonathan Clements. An absolutely stellar list of contributors I am proud to be a part of
Hi, I'm Liv. I'm a woodcut printmaker who works primarily in black and white, though I also hand-tint some of my prints. I'm primarily influenced by European Renaissance woodcuts and illumination. Most of my work is based in esotericism, folklore, and weird fiction.
Bargaining Liv Rainey-Smith Woodcut print LE of 13, sold out. One of my series of prints inspired by illuminated manuscripts with lively thick borders. #art
Totally agree. If readers get on board and support what is out there it will signal publishers that there is a market.
The best yokai encyclopedia ever.
Thanks to everyone who bought THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO JAPANESE YOKAI. Years of research, referencing, cross-referencing, writing. I truly think is the most comprehensive yokai encyclopedia in English. Plus banger art by , , and
Regular old murderer expresses disgust for serial killer
I still laugh remembering Stan telling the story of how in the late 90s / early 00s when he started getting invitations to anime conventions. "You do know I'm American, right?"
This is a subtweet about Frankenstein because I don't want to be a dick, but I also want some facts out there. 1. Most novels at the time were anonymous. We can't make definite judgements about why Mary Shelley's name wasn't on it. It was common practice. The novel was barely respectable. 1/?