
Often wonder of the libs have realized that they can get the left to shut-up and get on-side for 3-4 election cycles if they just gave us the DOT and promised to let us un-fuck the US' transport infrastructure. You wanna shut a commie up, let them play with choo-choo trens.
"But we made a gay guy Secretary of Transportation! Now that's not *enough*? You also want him to have *relevant background*? To be doing something *useful* in the job? This is why you're impossible to deal with. Ungrateful wretches, begone!"
I do not think communists are a large enough political bloc to get a cabinet seat The main problem here being this is so divided between states/localities the DOT has very limited power to improve things
That’s a beautiful dream, but, unfortunately, what we have learned from the Biden Presidency is that no matter how much we give to Leftists they will still invent ways to abandon us. Leftists only know how to destroy things, they are incapable of supporting us or anyone. Even themselves.
I can't quite explain to you how effective it would be because becoming a leftist gives you a kind of mental illness I can only describe as Transport Madness. All of the weirdest lefties you've ever encountered would lock ourselves into offices for months working on arcane plans.
There would be arguments so personal and vicious about disability access, protected lanes, and curb cuts that fistfights would break out. Routinely. The plans that would come out would be so strange and revolutionary that whole podcasts would spring up to explain them.
In the end, after two decades and no small number of attempts to assassinate the DOT Secretary, you'd be able to take a bullet train from Los Angeles to any major hub in the country twice daily for under $200 mostly paid for by rail fees from a re-nationalized freight rail system.
I mean, if that were the actual end result then I would be fine with all the toxic Leftist drama, but they never, ever get there! All they end up doing is committing acts of destruction and self-sabotage that isolate them from any potential allies which results in the election of conservatives.
Again, I say this as someone that shares many of their goals. Which is why they are so frustrating. Putting my hopes into the hands of a group that is so capricious and unstable is very disheartening.
Oh you'd get there. It's just a matter of being willing to wall them off and spend the sort of political capital you'd need to when part of the plan calls for either nationalizing big pieces of the freight rail industry or bypassing obsolete infrastructure and ripping up inter-urban freeways.
The lesson I learned from the Biden admin is that his proposed solutions aren't scoped to the size of the problems we have, but sure go off about leftists being handled scraps and being told to be grateful.
I’m not telling you to be grateful.
Libs can't even see a joke proposal without the urge to declare it impossible
It's tongue-in-cheek and came after a conversation with my pop about what I'd do to herd all the cranky leftist cats. You can get a lot of people with a lot of energy to spend a lot of time wrangling over transport infrastructure.
You should be doing it anyway. Not doing it because you think "leftists won't appreciate it" is an asinine reason for not implementing a great idea.
I never said we shouldn’t do it - I am happy to see many Leftist goals accomplished! But the idea that Leftists will ever join us in a constructive, supportive manner is a fantasy.
Literally *what* has Uncle Brandon 'given to leftists' aside from putting a gay man with the vibes of a graham cracker in as transport sec'y? I am genuinely asking lmao
Lmao @ the reply and block Sorry, I'm not gonna fellate Unca Genocide.
This is a wild thing to say. If we were half as good at destroying things as you're saying, Biden would send us to Gaza.
We probably do need to nationalize the railroads but I don’t expect that would be a quiet or simple affair