
When it comes to eating the rich and who wants to do the eating, I feel like the “is it vegan to eat a vegan?” question may come up quite a bit.
I know who I'm going to ask first
THIS IS A METAPHOR—PROBABLY NYC mayor Eric Adams at a press conference just now: "How the sausages are made is not important. Do people have the vegan sausages to eat is important to me.” (via Emily Ngo, Politico)
I seem to recall reading something on a vegan site about how you could eat food made from non-coerced consenting humans. I believe is intended as a breast feeding loophole but don't see why it couldn't apply to a leg freely given. And this is why I don't ambien on social media
You do need a contingency plan in case you are snowed in for an extended period of time.
Not a vegan, so just my opinion: I'd say no. If it was, then one could presumably eat any other animal that itself lived on a vegan diet. I won't swear to it, but I think that would include most cows. Still, these are the important philosophical questions our times require to be raised.
Alleged herbivores are very willing to eat meat if they get the chance thought opportunistic predation or scavenging. Lots of good minerals in bones. Heck, just the insects on the feed would violate veganism.
Remember, you are only suppose to take one bite, then spit out the rest. If you go ahead and spit out the first bite did you really eat anyone?
Does it count if you see most conservatives as vegetables anyway?
Vegans shouldn't have to consume the rich, if it violates their morals, but they should still participate. This will be a community event, after all. Maybe they make the banners, do some prep, make the sides, & do dishes afterwards, while the meat-eaters get on with it
Will not eat the rich (ugh, gristle), will happily feed them to other carnivores