Janice Demeski

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Janice Demeski


Cats and The Feelies
Reposted byAvatar Janice Demeski
Reposted byAvatar Janice Demeski
tower of pizza, vertical view, route 22, green brook, new jersey, 1978
Reposted byAvatar Janice Demeski
Absolutely surreal watching them end American democracy, just six dipshits in a room turning us into a monarchy and legally entrenched oligarchy, incredibly hard to parse this is as reality right now
Reposted byAvatar Janice Demeski
Reposted byAvatar Janice Demeski
Reposted byAvatar Janice Demeski
May 28th 1976 - The last day of school at Lee High School in Austin, Texas. 📽️📅 Dazed and Confused (1993)
Reposted byAvatar Janice Demeski
this is my emotional support gold
Your Honor I had to accept Qatari suitcases of cash due to my anxiety/ADHD
Reposted byAvatar Janice Demeski
One of Trump's top lawyers has already said the plan is to stay quiet on abortion through the campaign—then use the Comstock Act to impose a nationwide abortion ban in 2025. Not only a ban on medication abortion, but ALL abortions, in all 50 states. www.nytimes.com/2024/02/17/u...
Reposted byAvatar Janice Demeski
NJ AG Matthew Platkin: “I cannot be silent as I watch, in horror, as Adeel Mangi, a fellow member of my profession, a pillar of our community, a resident of our state, and a citizen of our nation is ruthlessly targeted by members of the United States Senate because of his Muslim faith.”
AG: Senate attacks on Muslim appellate court nominee Adeel Mangi are vile | Opinionwww.nj.com A rise in antisemitism must not give license to those who would use it as cover for a witch-hunt or to score cheap political points.
I’m at The Feelies show in Woodstock and my daughter is texting me poop stories about my granddaughter. Rockin’ granny life.
Ffs resign already.
Federal prosecutors on Tuesday charged Sen. Bob Menendez and his wife with extortion and obstruction of justice, adding counts to a case alleging that the lawmaker had acted as an illegal foreign agent on behalf of Egypt.
Sen. Menendez faces new charges in bribery casewww.washingtonpost.com New charges say Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Nadine Menendez accepted bribes to benefit Egypt and Qatar. They pleaded not guilty to earlier counts in the case.
Reposted byAvatar Janice Demeski
S. Z. Sakall, Actor, #BornOnThisDay in 1883 in Budapest
Reposted byAvatar Janice Demeski
Note that we're in the midst of a years-long orgy of right-wing policymaking from the Supreme Court that is giving conservatives nearly everything they've ever wanted, and all it took was one court decision they didn't like for the GOP to go "IT'S NULLIFICATION TIME!!!"
Reposted byAvatar Janice Demeski
Sports Illustrated staffers just received an email that everyone is being laid off.
Regarding Pitchfork, it is disappointing to see so many mocking and almost gleeful posts about people losing their jobs.
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Biden's "Who is this asshole?" when interacting with Bill Ackman would have been a good model for universities to follow: www.foxbusiness.com/politics/joe...
Stan has been listening to lots of Yo La Tengo for… reasons, and it has been quite enjoyable.
Reposted byAvatar Janice Demeski
Is it possible to fly a flag at twice-staff?
No. Dems mustn’t help.
🔥🔥 Rep. Mike Rogers leaves the GOP meeting unhappy, says eight Republican “traitors” (he used the word four times) have “paralyzed” the House by removing McCarthy. He tells me Scalise has the same problems and GOP may NEVER get 217 votes for a Speaker. He says Dems must help.
End of feed.