
One of Trump's top lawyers has already said the plan is to stay quiet on abortion through the campaign—then use the Comstock Act to impose a nationwide abortion ban in 2025. Not only a ban on medication abortion, but ALL abortions, in all 50 states.
Read literally, Comstock prohibits the transportation or "delivery" of "every article or thing designed, adapted, or intended for producing abortion." Trump's lawyers intend to wield the law as a ban on all abortion, *including procedural abortions in clinics.* They've said so!
It still blows my mind that the Comstock Acts are still active & weren't exploded by Griswold.
They were struck down by the courts, but that means the courts could reinstate them by not applying Griswold.
I get that, it's just WILD. That's the kind of thing you learn about if you do a deep-dive into PT Barnum (yes, really) if it's not mentioned in passing while your US History courses race through the Gilded Age. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Yeah, it's one of the big downsides of relying on judges to do so much of the legislating.
It's not like the Legislative Branch is doing its job properly; they're always on vacation. 🙄
This isn't quite true. The Comstock Act was never invalidated by the courts. It's still law, technically. In a post-Dobbs world, the DOJ could start using it.
The SC ruled (before Dobbs, at least) that the anti-contraceptive provisions of state Comstock laws were unconstitutional. Other parts, maybe not, OK
By the way, repeal the Comstock Act!
I mean what are we doing here?
They have learned nothing and they have forgotten nothing.
Positioning themselves for the second Trump administration.
Knowing how bad he is at opsec I fully expect him to brag all campaign about how they're going to keep quiet about their plans to ban all abortions so it won't work against them on voting night.
Yeah probably, but it won’t really matter. The problem is that normy voters do not watch his speeches, or read his Truth Social ramblings. They watch CNN or read the NYT, and they will just mostly repeat the message that trump is not going to ban abortions.
Oh for sure. Your real problem isn't anything of substance or even rhetoric, it's that your entire news media has stacked the deck in favor of the worst possible people.
Trump's statement says that he's saying it to win the election. It's like the Wizard of Oz asking Dorothy to look behind the curtain.
This means he has different messages for different populations. At some closed door fundraiser for ultra conservatives he will talk about the imminent victory over body autonomy, but in the general debates he will say nothing or infer that states rights will prevail.
As someone else was saying, he can rant and rave at his rallies and in his Truth Social posts. Then the NYT will rephrase it for moderates
I love how everyone with actual access to the levers of power knows everything but we just slow-walk into apocalyptic disaster regardless.
Thank you for the meme.
At some point it's less about Trump and more about the cops, prosecutors and judges that enforce his idiocy.
Trump is the bad guy from every shitty movie who doesn’t just kill the good but takes 20 minutes to explain his secret plan first
Every ethical doctor, plant medicine specialist, and OBGYN NP in the US will find workarounds long before that happens. It’s not like another genocidal Biden admin will help. Roe and LGBTQ rights keep getting overturned on HIS watch and he keeps forgetting not to say he’s against abortion out loud.
I’m not trying to minimize how evil or challenging this will be, but there is no “good guy” here among the 2-party options. They’re both pure evil and against the health and autonomy of women.
See also: women having c-sections with no anesthesia or pain meds in bombed hospitals in Gaza, only to watch their infants starve and die screaming in their arms.
Guaranteed: Trump will support a nation-wide abortion ban if elected.
The real issue is that Trump is just a face, as awful as he is. The Heritage Foundation are the ones pushing the agenda and the vast majority of Republican politicians are inline with them. We need to handle try the fascist party.
Oh wow how cool what a cool country
Sometimes I wish that April NYT could remember what February NYT wrote.
I honestly don't understand why American women haven't started to burn shit down. They try that shit here, I am shooting myself on the steps of Parliament. WE WILL NOT GO BACK!!!!
I do believe people around Trump will try to make that happen, but FWIW, that also fits with a common storyline from 2016-20: “Traditional conservatives think they can get Trump to pursue a policy goal he doesn’t actually care about”. Sometimes they succeed! (Tax cuts, judges…) but not always.
The Democrats would love this.
He will lose "Bigly"
Agreed! Aside from the unknown, his numbers are dwindling and will continue... hence his dialed up rage while panicking in a race against the clock to save himself. That's all he has along with his cultists. Add all factors plus new voters, I's, former R's, and Haley supporters... we've got this! 😉
"I sure hope trump doesn't fuck this up by saying what we're planning to do — but luckily he's an ignorant moron"
I suggest we start investing in wire hangers then. Because legal or not, the abortions will be performed as needed. BTW, same under Biden, who lost R vs W instead of codifying it.
Yeah. Then we will have two conflicting lines of case law-the Rehnquist court commerce clause cases, which would suggest a nationwide abortion ban exceeds congressional power. And if the Dems push an abortion rights statute, the City of Boerne case law suggests that’s unconstitutional also.
Not that I agree with Dobbs, but if Dobbs stands and those two lines of cases stand, there should be no national abortion laws one way or the other.
The guy who rigged the supreme court is lying again and always
Why. Why why why. Why do they want to drive women to suicide. Argh!!!!