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guardare non so
free palestine
sorry the only thing my brain is capable of doing is feeding the garashir brain worms
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totally raw
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learning there was a 70s Lord of the Rings movie script where Aragorn and Boromir passionately kiss with Arwen's blood on their lips we were so robbed
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I don't know if anyone still uses Photobucket but they just updated its terms of service and this sounds extremely grim photobucket.com/legal/terms-...
this is sick as fuck
This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
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I don't know what the target audience is for all of these burn book posts about JD Vance. maybe we should be figuring out ways out of our current situation instead of writing on the bathroom wall that he's the nastiest skank bitch we have ever met
come onnnnn
Garak is dressed like Pussy Galore. I can’t. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
it's a holodeck nonsense episode with spy fiction schlock plus Julian and Garak sniping at each other .... it's ......: wow
Watching “Our Man Bashir”, an episode created in a lab specifically for me.
well we made it to "Our Man Bashir"
lmao I am going to kick Ross Douthat in the balls so hard that he flies into the sun
reshared for alt text because this newspaper? this is the one worth respecting?
they are so important to me personally
Thinking about Them
men in IT really will unnecessarily install ubuntu on production hardware instead of going to therapy
block & move on!!! no one needs your discourse!!!
if there's any one thing i hope people coming from twitter internalize it's that it's always better to just block someone annoying rather than starting an argument with them
are the democrats leaking this doomer ass shit to try to inspire people to the polls? like to make us feel so fucking hopeless that we'll be thoroughly motivated by existential dread?
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just watched a presser with Milwaukee cops explaining that Wisconsin is an open carry state so they can't do anything about it if somebody's walking around the soft perimeter with an AR
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Bluesky is so much better because trump literally just got fucking shot and I open up this app and yep the first post I see is someone talking about the saga dreamcast
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yah i wrote over 2700 words this weekend unfortunately they were not the words i was supposed to be writing
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well there was an attempt
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It can all be true that: -bullying prominent black writers off this site is a trend -trans people with virtually no institutional power are rightfully upset at mainstream newspapers turn towards overt hatred of us -journalists do not have many places to make a living these days.
well the season 3 finale of ds9 was concerning
there's an episode of Vera where the murder victim was getting into a situationship with an old gay beekeeper and it sets off a series of events
sous chef pop pop
me at 70 if we aren't all dead by then 🙏
discovered that one of our neighbors on this street is an older lady who just walked out of her house wearing a tshirt that says "I make weed disappear. What's your superpower?" and I'm obsessed with her
discovered that one of our neighbors on this street is an older lady who just walked out of her house wearing a tshirt that says "I make weed disappear. What's your superpower?" and I'm obsessed with her