


A pudge tryna make it through life one day at a time
Also thank you #kfc app, you suck so bad that I have given up on creating an account with you for sadface gorging. You're uninstalled and never expect me again. No stress junk eating for me, at least not from the likes of YOU.
When you throw a get-together and it's a success because everyone had a good time but your guests have clogged every bathroom AND kitchen sink from both dead sea mud masks and algae hydrojelly peel masks and you have permanent sadface now. New rules, only sheet masks and become a hermit.
If you don't listen then you must feel.
Reposted by Zor
Life’s tough for a whole lot of people & I try to temper my optimism for the future with the realities many of us face. Yet I still want to say that forming community that uplifts no matter how small does move the needle forward. Joy IS an act of rebellion and is fuel that helps us face adversity.
Reposted by Zor
Just because the world is bad doesn't mean you have to be; try to do good
The best revenge is to live a happy, good, successful life. Happy Friday!
If you wouldn't let them in your home, then why would you let them in your head? I know it's tough because you have feelings, but please try to remember they're no good for you.
Yes, we're at the doctor's. And I am going to get tiny tweezers used for electronics to fit in their ears along with stainless steel ear cleaning kits, grrr
It was actually more like they got Q-tip tips stuck in their ear canal 7x within 4 weeks ... But those other times we have been able to pull them out. Going to remove them from the bathroom, if not repurposed then into the trashy landfill they go!!!
You know the quality of goods is going down when SOMEONE gets the tip of a cotton Q-tip stuck in their ear canal for the THIRD TIME within 4 weeks!!! Some kids like picking their noses n others like picking their ears, ugh. Happy 4th of July. #BadBatch (Sorry Star Wars) #shenanigans
When you finally have a moment to yourself and you prepare yourself a (dinner) snack but then realised YA OLD and hafta take meds which means no food nor drink for the next SEVERAL MINUTES aughhh so hongry~
It is difficult to begin. It's tough to do the right thing. Even when you're sure what is right, it's only human to hesitate when we know it's going to cost us dearly. Keep doing the next correct thing as best you know, and do it for yourself, if possible.
Change happens when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change.
Hark it be July! Where did the time go? Remember this: Getting away from the source of the trauma is a good way to start recovery. Have a great season.
On the last day of June... Happy Pride. Stay true to yourselves, and be safe out there.
Life is short. Wasting time on someone who chooses to hurt you is not a good choice.
A person's word should be their bond otherwise you can't trust anything they say or suggest. If they don't conduct themselves with integrity then you'll spend the entirety wondering when the axe falls, when the other shoe drops.
When someone is repeatedly dishonest, you have to decide if the relationship is acceptable to you and if not, end it: romantic, platonic, friendships, situationships, shituationships, business relationships.
Reposted by Zor
you can avoid a lot of problems simply be being a principled person
The difference between good n bad people are that good people communicate: if they feel the situation's wrong then they tell others around them. They try to sort it out, so their decision is not a surprising shock
Attended a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's: no fuss no muss, they did all the food prep, serving n cleanup. If the kids don't have food restrictions then it's great. No pathogenic ball pit, a lot more screens. Ate pizza and chicken wings while they run around, got a tummyache. 10/10 just do it
Be kind to past you: you were trying your best, maybe just to survive. Be supportive of future you: it's tough to heal while still dealing with life and getting past your comfort zones and learning and growing.
3) It's slightly tolerable now. Got paid to do it too on company time. Yes it's Android and not iPhone on purpose. I am so lucky. #firstworldproblems
2) work wifi is only for authorised computers and not work phones: since no wifi, put SIM card in new phone for data. But authentication apps are all on old phone which no longer has internet! Use personal phone's hotspot to tether old phone to the internet in order to activate new phone.
1) Got a new work phone, huzzah. Old one won't receive security updates soon. New phone does not have headphone jack, boo. Took the entire morning, much googling, and three separate phones to set up at work
Do your actions live up to your words? Or are they sounds you make in order to get what you want, regardless of others' feelings. Become a person of your word; your word is your bond rather than something others roll their eyes and scoff at. Nobody will believe the boy who cried wolf ever again.
When you get a forced life upgrade: addition by subtraction; much dead weight lost 😏🤭 and juuust in time for summer!
Reposted by Zor
When we live through difficult times it can be easy to succumb to despair, to see nothing but darkness on the horizon. But one day, in happier times, songs will be sung of those who persevered. Strive to be sung about as one who brought hope, as one who carried light over that horizon.
Sometimes you just got to have faith in yourself and higher powers, that you can manifest your own destiny. Identify your goals, what steps you need to take to get there, then work towards them. Break it down into manageable tasks every day
Reposted by Zor
If you don't heal what hurt you, you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you