
listen I'm just a serious reporter doing seventy five consecutive stories expressing sudden and breathless concern about how only one of two old candidates for president are old
no no listen it has nothing to do with wanting to gin up additional drama to chase ad engagement, or being hoodwinked into amplifying a Republican ratfucking op, I'm just very suddenly and nobly journalistically concerned about the age of just one of the two very old men running for office
and as a serious journalist worried about the age of only one of these guys, this story that might look like it's about the cooked brain of the other guy just isn't, y'know, our bailiwick of reporting so we let it stay with the non-print news sites
"Could not keep a straight thought": CEOs worry about Trump's mental decline after "meandering" The concerns were expressed by "people who I think might have been predisposed to him," said reporter Andrew Sorkin
yes best to marginalize those types of articles over to those fringe outlets filled with activists and wokes
I think there's also an undercurrent of 'Biden's a stand-in for my dad that I'm rebelling against'
there's all kinds of neurosis ginning about, some of it understandable
no, no, the other guy definitely has no very long history visible in hours upon hours of public appearance indicating alarming cognitive issues
trump fell asleep in court dozens of times with a bunch of reporters in the room, what are we even doing here
while on trial for falsifying business records to pay off a porn star and swing an election this country is an insane dumpster fire
It is objectively hard to believe. We have pretty much lost it.
Times’ exact framing was that sleepy Trump is savvy
Farting yourself to sleep in a courtroom? Buddy you better believe that's some high-level strategy.
Leaked grand jury documents have trump raping 13 year olds.
yet that story barely registered as a blip on this week's newswires why do you think that is, you reckon
Cuz the media is only allowed a limited number of pushed news alerts, and those had to be reserved for opinion pieces about how to get Biden to step down.
Because Trump promised us in an interview it was all made up so we didn't need to look any closer.
No kidding. My father, who passed away at 86 and had cancer that spread to his brain, never slept during the day while sitting up - even while the cancer was in his brain. He would absolutely never fall asleep in a courtroom. Ridiculous.
The media speculated he was "meditating" at the time, which is actually absurd, absolutely bonkers No, he fell asleep because he is an unhealthy and incurious old man
3 years apart, no less. They’re closer in age than my dogs.
they are both old and everybody on earth would prefer younger candidates I thought we had already established this via the last year of debate but apparently not
Younger, but not black or female because there’s bigots on both sides.
yes of course by younger I mean a white male center/right ivy leaguer in his late 60s or early 70s
Preferably with a zillion dollars he made off the backs of the middle class because that means he’s smrt
I would prefer the president use his newly granted ability to do crimes to drone strike his opponent and then have a heart attack.
They could be in Old Man High School together
"You're upset at us for reporting all these stories about Biden?!!?!" No, we're upset at you for NOT reporting all those stories about the other side.
Sulzberger just called and said you’re under quota
And that is really the point. No one can deny it's a legit story. But the imbalance is astonishing. You can report the news accurately and yet still slant and color it by positioning coverage in quantity and placement. That's where we are.
I mean him being old is a thing, but it's certainly not a new thing, and it's also pretty clear outlets want to drum up drama about a thing we all already knew to get people to click
"When I wrote that 'the two candidates would have overlapped in high school', my editor cut it, saying readers wouldn't care about that detail. Frankly, I agree with him."
Sure it’s just a coincidence that the Trump conviction is basically off every news homepage. Just absolutely positive this isn’t exactly what the GOP wanted. The democrats are nothing but predictable in their bed wetting.
Dems are historically rather good at self-sabotage, but so is Trump. So it was really just a race to see who would make the bigger mistake...
And ones a felon. You didn't mention that.
listen the public wants to read about real brick and mortar flyover state diner bread and butter issues, not the endless criminal escapades of a sociopathic NYC real estate conman with a fourth grade reading level and 36 felony convictions
* 34 felony convictions -- so far
I absolutely agree. But being reminded of the felon from the other party is reminding them if the differences in one word. Carry on!
Not only that, but the convicted felon is ORANGE.
And my name is Maggie Haberman.
I appreciate you not reporting on facts like massive felony convictions as that would be biased and woke
And writing about a traditional politician's age is way easier than tackling the whole pathological liar, rapist, insurrectionist, felon, fascist thing. In most articles, that's all that's just fine and not even worth mentioning.
Trump voters are excited that he's senescent and spouting word salad and wants to burn it all down. Why would anyone write a story about how he's old? It won't change anyone's mind and it hasn't been news for four years.
But court testimony that one of the candidates is a pedo doesn't pop up on your radar?
He could be a houseplant and he’d still be better than trump and the failure to beat that drum relentlessly by any news organization is a failure of judgment and character. The choice is obvious. Authoritarianism is bad.
Some of us blame U.S. media for serving the masses trash dressed up as news. And for CNN acting like there isn't a thing or two they could have learned about moderating TV debates🔴 Hasan could have done the job of 2. Yet, just like Washington, the wrong people are making key decisions▼
It's not rocket science. Travel more often & learn that such characters have no business being/running for POTUS—even if they fooled a pool of ignoramuses, having committed Election Interference & Fraud while leveraging Cambridge Analytica & Russian election interference ops to get into WH before.▼
I think people are more concerned about how devissive our country has become. This rhetoric all for rage click bait or are TPTB trying to cause a civil war. It would freeze the US debt. while land sacrificed to investors,lines redrawn, death to release money form the treasury to pay down the FED.
Good luck. Not everyone ages well. If only there was a cure for aging. Wouldn't that be great!