
Doormat that was recently pulled from sale by Marcket Shirts
Who is this company? Is it products that people can make or is all done by them? I'm confused by the context, as if this is something big that I should be freaked out by or just some stupid edgelord. And yeah, what the hell?
It looks a little too designed to be a "Your custom text on a doormat" type site but who knows🤷 I can't find the company OP was talking about
It could be a "You put your premade image on a doormat" thing. I've created things that custom before. And yeah I can't find them either, hence the question.
From the link my friend sent me a few days ago (before it was pulled down), an etsy seller
Ah, so it's literally just some racist doing custom print jobs on door mats. I feel better now. I mean, fuck that guy, but it's just some guy.
That was then pulled when discovered. Yeah, not something that's going to worry me, which is why I asked.
Well thank God we've got Etsy focusing on the REAL problems on their site, like queers making silly little tshirts
Possibly, but the product image appears as though the foreground and background colors are woven together and typically custom text or graphic products rely solely on screen printing and appliques. Honestly though your guess is as good as mine.
99% chance just an edgelord. I've been seeing shit like this pop up and vanish for the briefest of moments through my whole life. The best you can do is eye roll and ignore it, less you spread word of its existence. Things like this rely on outrage to make sales cause outrage = visibility.