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Eater of food, taster of wines, rider of bicycles, dispenser of Bespeisungswonne, spectator of rugby, listener to music, watcher of film & reader of books. Not necessarily in that order. He/him. Many, many shoes.
I know it's The Other Place but for my American chums, check out this Dems candidate
Non-brits! Is there anywhere in Britain you would instantly recognise in photos that isn't London?
Must be dry weather, the best bikes are out!
If you are unsafe after the game tonight, call the Domestic Abuse Helpline 📞 0808 2000 247
If you come across it, and this sounds like a joke but isn’t, try to play Tetris within 30 minutes. Something about it works like EMDR and helps the brain process the traumatic input. There are versions for mobile, switch, computer- just about every platform.
Some pretty graphic images of the corpse of the shooter going around social media. Heads up. I've seen a lot of images of death and brutality over the years from following news on war zones but this still made me wince. It's not a pretty sight. Try to avoid it.
Maybe would like a sorbet after all that polenta? Here you go NSFV
Curiosity is killing me Has a random stranger ever told you that you smelled nice? Or complimented in any way whatsoever? And if so, how did it make you feel?
Violent misogyny, including ‘incel' terrorism, is rooted in male supremacist ideology, the belief that women are inferior, should be submissive and that their only role is for sex/reproduction/male gratification. Yet this violence is almost never reported in those terms. Why?
It’s weird to see a headline about the murders of three women in their home by a man who seems to have been known to them, and the headline is about outlawing the highly specific weapon used. I don’t think the crossbow is the problem here.
Avatar always wants more Ade cookery, so here's Sea Bass, Gower new potatoes, French beans and HM Hollandaise sauce..
London cyclists, avoid St James's Park, Birdcage Walk and Horseguards tomorrow, the Royal Marines are running away* or something and they need closed roads to do so. Absolute nightmare getting home tonight. *beating the retreat. I'm sure it would be easier if they had nice bicycles for it.
I am once again begging the skyline to use alt text and not repost things which are missing alt text. Among other things, a lack of alt text means a lack of being able to filter things out using Mute Words. This means a lot to me! Thank you in advance.
I thought I'd accidentally bought Reform UK marmalade, but I'd just misread "Thick Cut".
I am stealing this expression and shall deploy it at every vaguely appropriate opportunity. Maybe even some inappropriate ones.
I'd bet you could get a thorough explanation by heading down to your local duck pond and tossing in some peas
2 websites I'll have loaded in my browser to follow the election results: Guardian results live tracker with the map set to 'proportional' mode PortilloGeddon Set to 'automatic' mode (look in the menu), so it just alerts each result. Conservative Wipeout Bingo 2024
There's just enough time to get yo ass to M&S with a tenner and score a bottle of this bouncy, juicy, fruity, clove-spiced beauty. The most joyous bottle in yonks.
This grips my shit. I visit site, tricky job, spec appropriate equipment using my 20 years of training & experience, customer makes 3 visits to store asking advice, I make my recommendations, provide the quote & the customer is straight on the Internet "I found it cheaper, can you price match?"
I've already voted, but if you're reading this and you haven't, polling stations are already open. What are you waiting for? Be nice to the polling station staff; they work a long day - take some biscuits. And if you're taking your pup, share a pic with #DogsAtPollingStations Fly, my pretties!
Question for banking nerds. The detailed view for one payment from my account has a long code at the end, of the form 99999999999999999N which is 17 digits followed by 1 letter. I've replaced the digits with '9'. What is this? I've tried Google with no luck. It's *not* a "transaction code". TIA
I recall a programme about how much faster our food is grown now, which is why is tastes less well than it once did. Anyone else?
not a historian but I reckon our food was much tastier before WW2. certainly my mum's generation (and mine to an extent) grew up with recipes limited by wartime thrift
Soft lighting and noise reduction trim should be eatery 101. Alas that it is not.
One day, I will open a restaurant for neurodivergent folk, with a completely customizable menu to food aversions, soft lighting, powerful HEPA filtration to eliminate ambient food smells, stim textures on tables, noise cancellation, and completely contact free dining options.
Don’t despair; our society *has* changed before. And when it did, there is one common factor that played a critical role: people raising their voices for change. So when people ask me, what can I do about climate change? I don’t tell them to change a lightbulb. Instead, I say this:
Satoshi Kamiya's origami Ryujin (designed/folded by him). This is a landmark design in the history of origami, in my opinion. Folding it is sort of like climbing the Matterhorn or Mt. Everest, a challenge that only the most dedicated organists undertake. An uncut square sheet of paper. NOT AI.
What are you going to wear to vote out the Tories?
Beachcombing Finds: last Friday whilst on a beach clean up at Hightown we found a linoleium(?) letterpress of a page from John Wyndham's Day of the Triffids - chapter 11 'And Further On'.
Domestic violence goes up when England play football, win or lose. 24 hour domestic abuse helpline: 0808 2000 247
Mate, 32° is not as cold a 0°
I’m all for the metric system except for temperatures. Please don’t tell me it’s 38 degrees Celsius when what you’re actually saying is it’s over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. I need the big number to know how goddam hot it actually is.