
I am once again begging the skyline to use alt text and not repost things which are missing alt text. Among other things, a lack of alt text means a lack of being able to filter things out using Mute Words. This means a lot to me! Thank you in advance.
I have require it on for posting… but I admit I don’t always live up to the mark with making sure reposts do. Will try to do better.
Shout-out to for providing us bsky moderation tools to easily notice missing alt text
As ABSOLUTELY guilty as I am of not doing this, may I also contribute that gifs DO NOT automatically have alt text.
Oh!! Didn’t know the mute word function also applied to alt text 🤔🤔
I started using alt text right away, but I’m glad of the reminder to not repost things that are missing alt text! Thank you for that and for the info that (of course!) alt text can be used for muting 😊
Thank you for this post, Aaron. As someone who likes to write - I see each alt text post as a moment in time to exercise that craft.
I always use alt text (because I've set it up so I can't post unless I do) and I would like to say that I can promise not to repost things that don't have alt text but damn, sometimes the memes are SO DANK. It's hard. I'm sorry I'm a bad ally.