Max T 🇦🇺🦘 🏳️‍🌈

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Max T 🇦🇺🦘 🏳️‍🌈

intermediate amateur artist. Aspiring webcomic creator (unfortunately for me). Sorry if i’m awkward
I've heard boom and bust cycles has been the norm for AI since forever
Or to go back to the analogy: I can make bank selling shovels but those digging for gold may not make anything
It's entirely possible the bubble bursts and in the next cycle they come up with something useful but as it is there's just not the use cases or the level of adoption. There's a limit on how much money you can throw at something based on vauge promises
Yeah like, Nvidia are making the money now cause they're selling the chips everyone needs. Those behind AI and the companies going in either aren't making money or aren't seeing the returns they were promised which is a no brainer given what AI is vs what it's marketed as
But they are not making money from the AI's like selling shovels for the promised gold rush
Haha yeah, my State has repeatedly rejected DLS which I'm glad about but I will admit it was good for when I went over east and was still functioning on Western Aus time. (3 hours behind)
Do you guys have daylight savings or is this just a northern hemisphere thing?
Oh man this is GOLD...(Also reminded me of when data science was the hot new thing now I don't hear about it as much)
There's really no such thing as bad taxidermy unless you fuck up a beloved family pet or do it non consensually on a person
Whilst not a "luxury" apartment an ex of mine had a higher end apartment in a rapidly gentrified area...there were no cupboards under the bathroom vanity, just an empty space behind sold chip board, literally all you needed was 2 doors and a shelf and they just...didn't
People with their doomer jokes are exhausting
One of those magical fake fucking jobs AI was supposed to give us
My camera was having a heck of a time when trying to take a pic of a mini (cause I was holding it off the table) 😆 some phones cameras are better at some things than others
Call anything a supplement it's fair game 🙃
I have no idea about mechs but I love the bright weathered colors! (Also love the camera in the shot wanting to focus in literally everything else except what it should)
Well she's CERTAINLY not going to accept Daniel or Emma's apologies 😤...apologies that she seems to think are going to happen. After all she's done for them, the little shits
Oof, this is one situation she might actually come out of looking like the out of touch bigot she is and not the poor victimised woman she pretends to be
This is why they were all offended at Nightshade/Cara because how dare artists not given them what they want, try to explain the concept of "no if you train AI or use it to gen pictures you can all get equally fucked" just results in "..😦but...but...I have to prompt it's my divine right 🥺"
After a billion years The #heroforge creation of my OC has FINALLY arrived... #miniatures
Just discovered a great quote: "performative despair is not political strategy"
This happens to me all the time and I've never been able to fully describe it but this hits the nail on the head.
Thank you so much, this is something I've been feeling but unable to articulate
If humans are such a blight I'm sure they'll be cool with it
People say stuff like that but deep down don't really belive it. They can say humans are and virus and everything but if I suggested fixing the issue but grabbing a gun and starting with their friends and loved ones they might object
I might be being too literal but every person on this rock is someone's friend or loved one and matters just as much as we do, so to say sweeping statements like that baffles me. Everyone else's lives are just as real as our own, and their lives matter to them as much as ours does to us
I wad studying for a dumb Microsoft cert for work but oh my God the content is just in text and diagrams! I can blast through it so much quicker and retain more than spending 3 hours having to pause and reverse to transcribe and absorb a video
It is a normal size phone and yet it feels so BIG after my dinky little iPhone 8 😅