
Respectfully: If you're on Bluesky right now screaming that Pride Month will be abolished, Trump will be declared king, America is forever ruined: Log off. You are entitled to your feelings, and it's better to let them out than not. But *Do Not Do Death Magic On The Emotional Contagion App.*
Doomer shit is un-American as fuck. Sorry. Factual. This country didn't even consider me a fucking person for half its existence, and the Supreme Court declared Black ppl didn't qualify as US citizens TWICE.
You're entitled to your despair. But understand that when you catastrophize on social media, you risk spreading learned helplessness. Which is exactly what fascists want, for people to lie down and cry.
I dunno, I guess y'all didn't sit through "Eyes On The Prize" every February in Social Studies for every year of middle school? Maybe you should find it and watch it. You will not find "They shot our leader, we should give up, it's hopeless now."
I utterly despise doomer thinking. We have WORK to do, god damn it. We have years, DECADES of work to do. It is going to take our time and money and emotional commitment.
Things to do, short-term: 🇺🇸 Get people registered, and show them how to VALIDATE their registration. Start at 🇺🇸 Join an Indivisible chapter: 🇺🇸 Look up your local Democratic party. Ask how you can help with GOTV efforts. 🇺🇸 Donate to / volunteer for LOCAL campaigns
Everything You Need to Vote - Register to vote. Check your registration status. Get your absentee ballot. Fast, free, easy, secure, nonpartisan.
Thank-you, Ineeded the reminder.
"I dunno, I guess y'all didn't sit through "Eyes On The Prize" every February in Social Studies for every year of middle school?" that's about as reliable a WHO HERE WAS BORN IN THE 70s test as yelling MARK MCGWIRE ROOKIE CARD and seeing who turns around to yell I HAD THAT in a crowd
I didn't watch that in social studies. I watched it at Freedom School.
I am old. I saw it for a university class. It's a good watch. You reminded me I need my own copy.
I didn’t have that opportunity (it was originally broadcast my junior year of high school, and was not available on video until 1992.)
Sing it! I'm in despair but I ain't lying down. My vote is power and I'm gonna use that power to metaphorically punch Donald Trump in the Goddamned taint!
Exactly! We get back up again and fight! Wise words from Iron Spike!
Thank you for this. That last sentence is pretty close to what I felt like this morning (less cry, more "embrace apathy" as a defense mechanism), and it was definitely a result of looking at this sort of thing on social media.
I've been struggling with this. Most of the info I get is catastrophizing. Sometimes it's hopeful but uninformed. It makes me feel bad and want to just not engage and I don't think that's great.
I have been disconnecting from the Internet several times today to avoid this.
Agreed. "Don't waste any time mourning. Organize!" -- Joe Hill
As a person who has been knocked down & gotten back up over and over and over again - I have a bit of advice this 4th of July, in light of recent scotus betrayals
Gotta be honest, We Have Not Yet Begun to Fight. We’re gonna whip their tails. I am going to have to buy a new bite guard, though-almost chewed through the newest one.
Thank you for this. It's easy to let it get to me, but I should be better than that.
Thank you. Perfectly said truth! A propos of good hearts carrying oneard, glad to have connected with you here on this far better platform.
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I fucking needed to see this at the right time 🥹
Thank you for sharing this. ❤️ Hope is fucking necessary & hope is what drives me to work towards change.
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When people say “it’s never been this bad” I can tell their understanding of American history goes back 20 years, max.
As a student of human history, I know two things. One calms me, and one makes me sad. 1st: "this too shall pass." There is always "the next thing" and if you look at the arc of human history, things to arc toward "getting better." 2nd: it may not get better in my lifetime.
"It is night in Moscow already. Soon, it will be dark here. Do you think we'll ever see the dawn in our lifetime?" - attributed to Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinger in the HBO Movie "Conspiracy." Kritzinger was the only attendee of the Wannsee Conference to testify at Nuremberg
The Clinton Impeachment fiasco woke me up to the insanity of the Republican party. And then a few years later came the torture prisons. And the 8 year war based on lies.
Oh, it's been a lot longer that twenty years since it's been this bad. The nation hasn't faced an existential threat this dire since WW2. That said, there are still things we can and should do to stave off the threat.
... or their understanding is limited to the most bland, whitewashed, watered-down primary-school version of history
Amen. There’s work to be done.
If you don’t want vote for Biden because he’s ToO oLd, get fucked. Your choices are him or a guy who will wield absolute immunity from prosecution with all the glee of a psychopathic eight-year-old with a magnifying glass.
"Let this radicalize you rather than lead you to despair"
Friend, I was radicalized YEARS ago.
Preach it. I will never give up on my friends. There is no doomer threat that will get me to obey fascists.
If Trump tries to pull his shit it will simply mean people taking to the street to overthrow him.
If he tries to pull another January 6th, I am ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN a massive number of antifa and leftist counter-protestors will have cleverly reserved the national mall in front of the Capitol for a "Protest against election denial"  Meaning that any pro-trump rioters will have to go through them.
Understand that's a trap. Some of the big money is actually just trying to GET people into the street fighting. Left is as good as right, for that. It's more threatening to them that elections are conducted as normal without drama. Understand that. Normalcy IS the threat, chaos the tool and goal.
The idea here is not to start fights, but to prevent them.   If the space is reserved, and people are there, the anti-election rioters can't go there.
The Supreme Court of the United States just ruled that the President is above the law. To protect trump. In 5 months, either biden wins in an unprecedented blue wave to give no doubt the citizens will not stand for someone who admits he would be a dictator or trump wins.