Jewel πŸ’Ž πŸ‰

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Jewel πŸ’Ž πŸ‰


πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ shitposting
😻 catsnugs
🌢️ NSFW occasionally (ok to flirt)
⚠️ @ co-workers: follow at your own risk

@aladyjewel or @aladyjewel.01 elsewhere
Incredibly cool linguistics research by Dr Steph Kaepfer out of University of Canterbury! πŸ§ͺ
A linguistics study in Antarctica "Antarctica, like outer-space, is known as an ICE environment – isolated, confined and extreme – meaning unlike other isolated communities, the rate of change for its vocabulary can be slower." SFF world-builders take note.
Fidlets, fingies and riding a doo: study sheds light on Antarctic English Dr Steph Kaefer spent three weeks documenting unique colloquialisms on the frozen continent after newcomers were struck by the distinctive vocabulary
slipping the chipotle employee a crisp five dollar bill so she'll give my burrito a little kiss before she wraps it in the foil
The great American novel is King of the Hill
welcome to another beautiful trash tuesday one and all, let’s see what the open gates have drug in gimme da brain worms
cw: body horror ugh why did I have such a weird dream about my junk regrowing but in a subtly gross way
social media is about making posts for those 5 girls u know pretty reliably will like your post even if its garbage
i probably had this same observation the last time I made it home 5 years ago, pre-demic
muscle memory is wild I instinctively check "don't let the cat out" when opening the door to my childhood home I buried that cat in the backyard fifteen years ago!
muscle memory is wild I instinctively check "don't let the cat out" when opening the door to my childhood home I buried that cat in the backyard fifteen years ago!
hephaestus is learning to make jewelry. melting glass. winding wire. she enjoys it. it comes naturally to her. she has a friend who says he'll help her run an etsy shop, when she's ready. she's afraid that it would make things weird. but she needs a new wheelchair. and she's learning to ask for help
actaeon hurt her ankle, a few years back. she collects vinyl now. she can't afford the rare ones, which is fine with her. mostly. she likes to buy the ones no one else wants. she says every record deserves someone who loves it. this one has a woman on the cover, bathing in a lake. she is beautiful
last night in my homeland for this trip, gotta make count
how do I politely tell my mom "I got tired and checked out of socializing about twenty minutes ago" instead of snapping at her five times in ten minutes
β€œThey want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
This!! Start with β€œthey want to end no fault divorce, sell national parks, and ban porn” end with tax structure.
lmao ope I'm back in my hometown for the first time since transitioning and of course I autopiloted to the wrong bathroom at the bar
πŸ’β€β™€οΈ I figured out mastodon's bullshit but I didn't feel like dealing with "cw: eye contact" all of my selfies
Bluesky is where people come when they’re sick of Twitter’s bullshit, but can’t figure out Mastodon.
super models are usually just cis women with desirable β€˜clocky’ features
cw: Twitter just read a thread on updating technical documentation to replace quote-unquote gender-neutral "he" with explicitly gender-neutral "they" so many replies pro-"he" "ignore woke culture, you're doing great" have they always been there, or is this Twitter now skews conservative asshole?
aww I got a targeted ad for the theater festival I interned at like twenty years ago if I had been serious about my theater career I would probably be working as a tech manager there right now
just had a lil meltdown because it's fuckin hot out and I didn't eat and drink enough today but then I cried on my sweet girlfriend's shoulder and got snuggled and drank my hummingbird juice and I guess everything's gonna be OK
No matter who gets elected, we still need more folks trained in first aid or training to be medics, we need more people to learn how to administer narcan. We need support systems for unhoused people and hungry people that aren't faith based. Start now, so if the worst happens, you aren't scrambling.
Hey does anyone have any recs for Black steampunk by Black authors? I'm having a hard time finding these books myself and I really would love to see a Black perspective on this genre.
yes they're playing K-pop on the stereo at the Bagel-To-Sandwich shop