Andrew Facini

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Andrew Facini

Nuclear weapons policy, history, cultural issues, and other things to help you sleep. Comms Director and Sr Fellow, Council on Strategic Risks. Teaching and such at Harvard Extension.
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Right-wingers melting down this week is going to be nothing compared to the temper tantrums when the next round of polls show Biden 49% Trump 48%
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Facini
“Millions of kind-hearted compassionate people agree that immigrants are vermin poisoning the blood of America, or at least are compassionate enough to get past someone saying that.”
*sigh* Time to find a new sticker manufacturer.
Ya, looks like a blip but just got back via web!
Holy fuck the email he sent was so much worse:
Man I'm very tired with "how this will play" discourse. Of course this is a wild and upsetting example but jeez can we not take or place any responsibility for critical or nuanced thought onto any voter in this country?
Former President got injured in an appalling show of political violence but do we immediately just cede any nuanced understanding that the threat of his winning the election means the end of this country as we know it?
That everything he's said and done before points to a whole-ass system of violence and autocracy but once someone tries to do something terrible to him we have to bake into the conversation the idea that he will (rightly??) win support in his scheme?
Like does nobody have any faith in anyone anymore that we can hold *both* the idea that this is terrible and should not be legitimized + his platform is much more horrible than one dramatic moment of violence, and will result in much more?
Are we really gonna just take that as a tut tut outcome and accept that there's no deeper understanding in this country? This is a highly flustered rant with how politics goes, I know. I felt this way during the Biden discourse but then the polls showed no actual change, as poor a comparison it is
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No no can't complain about this or any other continuing monetization of every aspect of private life because then I'd be doing a techlash
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Facini
An apt meme making rounds
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NEW FOIA Files newsletter: is up! Good news. If the nuclear football is “lost, stolen or compromised,” the DOD “has procedures to ensure only the president can authorize the use of nuclear weapons,” according to a report I obtained. Wait, is that good news?
Not to Worry, Only the President Can Launch Nukes, Pentagon Report The “nuclear football” was dangerously close to Jan. 6 rioters. The Defense Department’s watchdog was then tasked with reviewing what would happen if it was intercepted.
That Hochul is not politically savvy was obvious. That she is willfully damaging the chances of the left and center by sprinting to the right is becoming more clear. "Saving" these three districts was the presumed goal of killing NYC congestion pricing, which was supposed to start 10 days ago.
(Bon Scott voice) It's a snaaail break
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Tonight in 1985 in Auckland, New Zealand (July 10, local time), French secret agents—in an elaborate intelligence operation codenamed Satanique—used two limpet mines to sink the Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior as it prepared to return to Mururoa Atoll to protest French nuclear testing there.
Sentinel program modified after staggering overruns—now only 81% over! "Total program acquisition costs for a reasonably modified Sentinel program are estimated by CAPE to be $140.9 billion, an increase of 81 percent compared to estimates at the program's previous Milestone B decision in Sept 2020"
Department of Defense Announces Results of Sentinel Nunn-McCurdy On Jan. 18, 2024, the Air Force notified Congress that the Sentinel program exceeded its baseline cost projections, resulting in a critical breach under the Nunn-McCurdy statute.
Don't let the fascists in because they will break the mechanisms for you to get rid of them, un rappel opportun
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Facini
It drives me nuts when people say we need to make sure poor people have access to AI. The entire schtick is focused on providing AI slop to the masses while ensuring the elites get real human professionals. Having a human teacher or doctor or lawyer cannot become a bespoke luxury for the wealthy.
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A Second Trump Term Will Usher In Deadly White Supremacist Christofascism According to Explicit Manifesto vs. No It Won’t
even trump’s campaign staff (i assume he didn’t write this) knows that the reactionary, authoritarian agenda that’s project 2025 is going to be unpopular with the average voter.
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
National Parks July 4 timeline cleanse 🇺🇲
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Reposted byAvatar Andrew Facini
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Facini
Mr. Hutz, aka Miguel Sanchez, I hope you saw the post going around earlier: No one is above the law No, one is above the law!
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Haha glad there isn't a part II right