
If you charge $X for art commission and people will pay it then you are not only charging the right amount, you may be charging too little. Art is sold for what the current market can bear. That changes and everyone's market is different to them. BUT 90% of artists are charging too little.
Side note to this: Met an artist whose work I know, and off-handedly discussed commission rates. Got told and said, perfectly honestly, "Then I will hit you up in a month or two, when I can afford it" because they are worth it, and I will follow through. Just be honest!
Thanks, even though the missing "an" haunts me hahahaha
I read and write fluently in typo. *solidarity fistbump*
hahah thanks, was one of those "Ohh this needs edits to fit" and and changed the wording and ARGH. Such a small thing, no one cares. I wouldn't care if someone else did it. ANDYET
Right? I hate when I do that. Changing tense. Changing adverb position for clarity. Then just leaving in or removing a preposition or article and wrecking my polished work. It’s even worse when a reader points it out to me months after publication.
I have a friend just starting out and while I have no art background I do have business background and I have to keep telling them don't lower your prices till people stop buying from you lol.
100% charge too little and ppl think your work isn't worth anything at all, either.
Yeah if you have too many commissions then you can handle you are likely charging too little so raise the price weed people out. and still make the money. It's real basic business practice for goods and services.
I honestly feel this translates to SW, too! (Different kind of art but ya know lol) I was really worried about raising my prices. But it's been worth it!
It 1000% translates to SW and any craft, woodworking, pottery, etc. It is all connected, it is all types of art. And we all have to do everything from creation of art to marketing, to management to... ARGH. We're all in the same damn boat.
I’ve seen what some artists are now charging and though I don’t have that kind of money (I wish!), my thought is “if people are paying that amount, good for the artist”. Certainly helps cut down on flippers.
See my own reply to myself. Ones I want, I will happily save up for and tell them "I want to do this, I need some time" to make sure THEY know their prices are fair, it isn't a push to lower.
I agree. I recently got a commission from an artist that the price was a bit steep for me to drop money on, but things aligned to where a bonus from work came through. So I splurged on that commission. Price was more than fair, just not an amount that I can spend on a regular basis.
Exactly. It's ok to not be able to afford everything you want. It can be rough mentally at times because you see ppl charging less, but that's life. Same for music. One of my fave artists is on bandcamp and charges a bit more than other folks. Worth it.
One artist I talked to, at a con, explained why they raised the prices on their covers and pages. He saw what people were selling them for, eBay. He started selling them on his own eBay account and was getting that or more. Said he knows he can get that amount if it doesn’t sell at the con.
I've read this whole thread & need t'ask a question, cuz I seem t'have fundamental differences in how I approach this. I'm a photographer & would love t'sell my art, but firmly believe that art needs t'be accessible to all, not just the wealthy. 1|2
I only want t'break even on the costs, not become wealthy myself, so how do I reconcile that? I don't want folks thinking my art is worthless... 2|2
Well for like a commission vs a print, you know? An original, unique to you, of what you want - that costs a bunch and it should. A print of something costs a lot less, and is far more accessible to all. Offering both serves both markets.
Thanks fer the perspective. I c'n definitely see charging more fer a bespoke piece, cuz that'd definitely take much more effort, and I'm worth that. #FoodForThought
I would say more than 90% of butt artists are charging too little
It's true, they have the habit of turning the other cheek too often.
honestly this was inspiring. even though i am the rob liefield of butts
PLEASE tell me that’s on your business card
Along with, I assume, part of the back of a char, with the butt occluded by a pile of dirt randomly.
[starts, then removes, pouches joke]
i keep thinking about putting it in my bluesky bio but i'm afraid weird people will @ me about it
what's also very ironic is that the closer you charge to your market rate, the more respect clients have for your work. jim lee will hand completed pieces to his fans paying top dollar and they will ooh and aah. where someone he charges say $200 for a 5 minute sketch might voice unhappiness.
Implied value is a messed up mental thing but real.
I have an obnoxious rate in my head for my graphic design and every single time I've charged the obnoxious rate, always the best clients.
I am definitely charging too little for my books based on the effort and time I put into them but I also still can't get people to buy them AT ALL so I frequently feel like I should lower the prices
Nope. Then they think they are worth even less. If ppl won't buy them, it is often marketing, and strategy, not price.
two things I am very bad at but trying to improve I'm getting there
Same. It takes time and is an always shifting landscape.
I mean yes. And it will be frustrating and fun and annoying and a good skill all at once.
I once commissioned a piece from a beginning artist, when they told me how much I paid them double and told them to stop undercharging.
Best advice I've ever gotten regarding pricing your goods and/or services: If nobody is complaining about the price, you're not charging enough.