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Author, tech writer, Lego aficionado, TTRPG “forever DM”. I am not affiliated with the shoe company.
Call me Unkle.
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It’s probably heresy to say this, but Concrete Blonde’s cover of Everybody Knows. I loved the Leonard Cohen original, but the Concrete Blonde version is what plays in my head.
Other than Hurt by Johnny Cash and any version of The Sound of Silence, what are your favorite cover versions of famous songs?
Reposted byAvatar Converse
You ever nap so hard that when you wake up, you’re confused about which day it is?
Today, I again will be practicing the art of “Shutting the Fuck Up.”
Today I am practicing the art of “Shut the Fuck Up.”
It goddamned #caturday! So I am posting my cat, Daemir drinking from my bathroom sink. She asked so sweetly for a “sink drink” I didn’t have the heart to say no. PS - she has a fountain, she uses it multiple times daily. For her this is like taking your kids for ice cream.
So much of American public policy boils down to “*We* don’t want *you* here. Disappear, go to jail, or die, and do it *now*.”
Jailing people for being homeless is a classic American policy: stupid, brutal, and very expensive.
As long as people who have social, economic, or political power hate you for existing, nothing you do will be "good enough". Stand with *everyone* that people with power tell you to hate. Because tomorrow, you're going to be the one those people hate.
this is what we mean when we talk about "respectability will not save you" when you are literally defending your ability to exist and it's seen as "not nice enough"
Statistically speaking, I am background noise.
Only 1% of users have made more than 1,000 posts. Less than 0.5% of users have more than 1,000 followers. As in irl friend groups, these outliers are massively overrepresented.
Reposted byAvatar Converse
Just to give you an idea: in 1987 I was paid something like $400 for the first publication of my story "Why I Left Harry's All-Night Hamburgers." Since then, that one story has brought in over $125,000 in reprint, translation, stage, radio, and movie rights. NEVER sign away all rights!
Hold on to your reprint rights. OMG. I'm whispering/screaming this at you very loudly. There have been instances where I've been paid more for the reprint of a story than the original pro rate I got for it. Licensing contracts, reprint anthos and your own projects still exist. Do not give it away.
Reposted byAvatar Converse
We come from the land of the ice and the snow ...
Reposted byAvatar Converse
Felix sat through the band’s entire new album, and a few of the radio hits, impatient for them to play the old school stuff. Then he heard the familiar bass line start, feeling the rumble deep down in his belly. Finally, it was time to get into the mosh pit and fuck some shit up.
Happy Father's Day to all the those struggling with being a father, or struggling with their relationship to their father. I see you. I am you. You've got this.
Reposted byAvatar Converse
i miss buying things instead of subscribing to things
What’s the most boomer complaint you have?
Make a movie milder: Eleven Monkeys Twelve Irritated Men Ferris Bueller Stays Home Buffy the Skip Tracer
Make a movie milder: The Princess Bridesmaid
Make a movie milder: The Acceptables
Make a movie milder: Greet Caesar!
Reposted byAvatar Converse
ios 18 building in dalle/stable diffusion and pitching it as "your friends can make photos of you in situations using your contacts image" just viscerally offends me.
Re-post how old you are, using a vague proxy. I was junior high school student when Wendy’s went “viral” with their “Where’s the beef?” ads.
Reskeet how old you are, using a vague proxy. When I was 16, you could get three tacos for a dollar at Taco Bell.
Reposted byAvatar Converse
The email has never found me well. The email is now finding me panicked and trying to jury-rig a flamethrower to keep it as far away as possible.
My cat, Daemir, tried to coax me away from my couch by exposing her belly for pets, just outside of my reach.
Reposted byAvatar Converse
Someone keeps trying to reset the password on my Facebook account. The one I haven't logged into since 2018. Good luck fools.
Some more positivity for today. My friend took a chance on meeting a weirdo from the internet 8 years ago and became one of the best friends I’ve ever had. saw me wandering FoGCon and made it her mission to introduce me to everyone. Good people.
Sharing the positivity. This is for whose bitingly sharp horoscopes make me laugh, whose novels take up an entire shelf in my library, and who once fed me excellent Mexican food and then offered to let me put my RV in his driveway. You're a good one.
Hey you're cool and Bagel thinks you're cool because you deeply understand how he suffers (and has never been fed, not once)
Capitalism means always being afraid that you won't be able to work, and once you stop being able to work you will be discarded by everyone.
I'm getting ready to spin up a new version of my D&D campaign, The Amalgamated Earth. Is there any interest in recounts of the campaign?
Um, I accidentally a new Aeldari army.
AI says they really are into you.
AI says don’t deposit all that cash at once; deposit it $ 9500 a day
ACAB, even Columbo. But Columbo can stay. He’s my kind of bastard.