
It’s fun that while every non white judge has to face a gauntlet of racist insults regarding their qualifications fed society stooges are practically having their opinions written for them by lobbyists
Trump Judges Went On A Luxury Trip — And It Doomed A Major Biden The April 2022 ruling included an unusual legal theory — and new disclosures seen by HuffPost shed some light.
Powerful Dems always calling for action as if they are helpless bystanders. Just totally worthless in fight against fascism.
There is probably no senator who has been as vocal as whitehouse about the threat of extremists on the federal judiciary
Yep. Nobody's perfect, but definitely wish he was in charge of Judiciary instead of doormat Durbin.
This is true, but Durbin has done exactly nothing to affect change. The least he could do is have some hearings. We know the corrupt justices won’t show up, but use the opportunity to inform the public. Most people don’t know these guys are being paid to rule against the interest of Americans.
But he didn't use his mighty legislative powers to fix the problem, which an individual U.S. Senator is totally capable of doing.
Whitehouse is one of the few actually taking this seriously; unfortunately, the head of the judiciary committee is Durbin, who absolutely does not take it seriously at all.
Need Pritzker to push Durbin out in '26.
My impression was that Durbin got the job title to prevent Whitehouse from actually doing the job.
Given Dem leadership’s aversion to doing their jobs, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
Whitehouse is one of a handful of elected representatives I actually feel bad for. He seems to genuinely care and be very invested in what he works on
What would you have Durbin do? I see this characterization a lot, and yet, I don’t see a clear answer. There is a risk to doing something solely for visibility only to have is visibly fail, that it may entrench the failure. Like Biden forgiving student loans only to have SCOTUS rule against him.
Stop letting the GOP abuse blue slips- a thing which McConnell *did away with* to ram through as many extreme-right lifetime judicial appointments as possible under Trump and Durbin *brought back*- and start caring more about blocking Nazi judges than going on vacation, this isn’t hard
I’m quite certain Biden isn’t nominating Nazi judges, so there isn’t anything to block, is there? Blue slips may be something to look at, but given where Democrats need votes, going against elected senators could be risky. I’m uncertain on this. Is there someone specific that got blocked?
By respecting blue slips, you can’t fill a lot of the vacancies in a state with at least one republican senator.
There are in-groups the Founders intended to be bribed and out-groups the Founders intended to be scrutinized. You’re just hysterical and unserious if you don’t believe in my unilateral ability to divine the will of white men who have been dead for two centuries.
dang, huffpost just unleashed a poison ad on me there
I was trying read it and suddenly mcaffe was pretending to be a virus
Same except I was reading a different article on the same website. They need to fix that or is that their secret ploy to get us to use their app?
I think they need to vet their ad vendors better
I didn’t stay long enough to see where mine was going
"Although it has gained in popularity over the last decade, it is barely discussed outside of an enthusiastic group of right-wing conservative legal scholars." It's the enthusiasm for me. Also "Wearing a mask cleans nothing.” It cleans the air entering your lungs! Of a deadly & disabling virus!
Our wealth is corrupting us to death.
Side bar. We had a neighbor in Newburyport. Retired Librarian. Lived at that resort as a child. Her father was the mgr. She recounted playing and entering an elevator and getting off on the “ wrong floor “. The Bunker. Got in trouble for it.
I'd love to see some marketing research on how The Greenbrier is doing with affluent liberals when they host GOP bullshit all the time. It's owned by Justice and struggling.
Conflict of interest doesn't seem to apply to right wing judges apparently. When Billionaires can bribe judges with Winnebagos and lavish trips justice goes out the window. Corporations now have more rights than individuals thanks to corrupt Justices.
Why Corporations Have More Rights Than People | Robert How on earth did corporations come to have more rights than you? Watch this.
We've entered final stage democracy, early to mid-stage oligarchy.
Agreed. It's been in the works my entire life right under our noses. Once they started rigging Capitalism for an elite few we all handed democracy over to them. I feel an earth shattering boom coming.😖
Which could be a revolution. After the slaying of those bastard elites only the gods know what mess we'll be left with on an overheated planet spiralling to chaos.
I'm reading 'Dark Money' right now and the billions/trillions that want it burned to ground is unbelievable. Too many of the billionaire class would rather it all burn rather than not have another few billion.
Greed is a disease. They can never have enough once they have it. Indoctrinating millions of people just getting by to help them was their greatest feat.
While the long arm of Charles Koch strangles legitimate law, when will Americans realize the formidable threat to democracy by an obviously corrupt Supreme Court? When will we rise up to March in the streets against this stranglehold by an anti - American minority of greedy billionaire controls?
Worse than lobbyists: true-believer extremists.
I'm in awe at how the US effectively legalized corruption
I've been thinking for a while Judge Cannon has a TEAM on speed dial, who generate a 3x5 card for her with bullet points to use.