Lev Petrovitch

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Lev Petrovitch


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Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
Merita una citazione il post di Gianni. Il teatro dell’assurdo non avrebbe mai concepito una roba del genere. Povera Italia.
Pensa: partire dal Falcone Borsellino di Palermo, e sbarcare al Silvio Berlusconi di Milano. In un certo senso, c’è tutta l’Italia: mafia, comitati d’affari, la massoneria deviata (la P2 di cui fu membro…) i giudici morti. Volevano non fosse questo il nostro “punto d’arrivo”? Si. E hanno fallito.
Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
La pronuncia di "Paris Saint Germain" dei telecronisti italiani mi provoca fastidio fisico
Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
To counter this sort of jingoism, let's revisit the development of nativism from its origins, tracing the common threads that connect all the ways that the rich have preyed on the fears and prejudices of the exploited to turn them against those worse off than themselves: crimethinc.com/nativism
Nativism and the Foundations of US Xenophobiacrimethinc.com Nativism, the doctrine of prioritizing native-born people of European origin over other immigrants, has a long history in the US. The ascendency of Donald Trump is just the latest chapter.
Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
Amazing! Archaeologists have discovered the only brewery from the #Roman times in Italy. www.labrujulaverde.com/en/2024/07/t...
Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
Reminder that this is the one day a year Downing Street is under sensible authority.
Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
"Lawsuits are slow, they are complicated, they are often decided on arbitrary technicalities or total nonsense, and being so costly they are hideously biased toward the rich and well-connected." prospect.org/justice/amer...
American Government-by-Lawsuit Is a Disasterprospect.org Judicial review is not just anti-democratic, it strangles ordinary governance.
Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
Not having this from the people who pissed themselves every day Corbyn was leader because he didn't want to coddle their emotional support settler colony or was going to make them treat minorities like equals. Fuck Labour and fuck this loser.
Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
Three adjacent headlines that say it all.
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Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
Mississippi is the poorest state in the US. Even though the state gets federal welfare funds, it is difficult to get welfare. The money was all getting stolen, and they got away with it. Now the journalists who exposed the story are facing a lawsuit and jail. www.nbcnews.com/investigatio...
She exposed how the nation's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to jail.www.nbcnews.com "The rabbit's got the gun now," said a lawyer for former Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, who is trying to force reporter Anna Wolfe to reveal her sources.
Hai visto questo esempio di design antico, @matra.bsky.social ?
An Attic (Greece) Geometric bowl with a leg-shaped handle, dating around 850 BC. The Geometric period lasted from ca. 900 to 700 BC. It's named after geometric patterns and motifs used to decorate pottery vessels. On display at Altes Museum, Berlin 📷 taken by me 🏺 AncientBluesky
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An Attic (Greece) Geometric bowl with a leg-shaped handle, dating around 850 BC. The Geometric period lasted from ca. 900 to 700 BC. It's named after geometric patterns and motifs used to decorate pottery vessels. On display at Altes Museum, Berlin 📷 taken by me 🏺 AncientBluesky
Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
Gender Critical people who also write for neo-Nazi outlets, and believe there might be some truth in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? What a huge surprise.
GeNDeR cRiTIcal Compact Magazine Editor Nina Power sued someone for calling her a fascist, she lost and had to pay court costs, and in discovery a ton of evidence that she is indeed a fascist were made public. luketurner.com/Nina_Power/
Nina Powerluketurner.com Nina Power has lost the High Court libel claim that she and Daniel 'DC' Miller brought against me. In the ruling, the judge described their conduct as an aggressive course of bullying with the whiff o...
Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
A new bit of Tolkien silliness, as I fight off the blues today. "Communiqué from the Tourist Office for the Barrow Downs" - hope you enjoy, @neilhimself.neilgaiman.com et al....
Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
Over the weekend, I found a tiny pink plastic shoe on the ground near my office. I placed it at eye level, on a wooden post, by the stairs. This morning, on that same post, was this picture.
Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
reminder that there was a time when they were literally selling radium soft drinks in the USA that were so toxic that the biggest fan of the brand had to be buried in a lead coffin because of how much radiation poisoning he got from them and this death led to the FDA regulations that exist now
Everyone knows Coca-Cola used to contain cocaine, but people don't talk as much about how 7 Up used to contain lithium as a mood stabiliser.
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Good morning from the Swedish army museum, which doesn't believe in subtlety.
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Yesterday I passed a Cybertruck with an American flag wrap and I have a hard time imagining a vehicle that makes a more awful statement about yourself as a person
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Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch
Ed ecco la maxistoria di come la cucina è stata invasata da un'arma di gnocchi alla romana, una pallida imitazione del cous-cous di Demo del Tuitter, ma accontentiamoci 🧵
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Reposted byAvatar Lev Petrovitch