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SWM, cis, He/Him, dad, husband, Chemistry, TTRPG, Jazz, amateur piano, UU, Critter, Reply guy extraordinaire, possibly the most inconsequential person in the world, and OK with it.
At my mom’s watching a local news segment about how people are recording Chipotle workers making their order so they get a bigger shitty burrito and posting the videos online and I just can’t wrap my brain around being that much of a gaping asshole for that little gain.
The alarms about Trump and his behaviour and the threat he poses have been going off almost a decade at max volume. People are danger fatigued. Even political junkies are fatigued at this point. Throw in a heavy dose of doomerism because the courts are mostly feckless and his possible reelection.
a normal guy who lives in my house
I think a lot of politicians and political reporters think "low info voter" is like someone who isn't following congressional budget negotiations when actual low-info voters are like "guy who thinks the president appoints the NFL commissioner and are mad at him for suspending a player on their team"
This is true, and also apparently Suni Williams cried the last time she left the ISS because she didn’t think she’d be back. REALLY excited for her to get back there tomorrow!!
Just heard that this is the first time a woman has crewed a flight test of a new spacecraft. Way to go, Suni Williams! (Who I just learned ran the Boston Marathon while on the ISS in 2007. She is a BAD ASS.)
What with milkshake lady & Stormy Daniels, it looks like our only hope is an army of righteously angry blonde porn stars to save us
Love how they're doing this to shame her but she's going to have her best-earning month off the back of this.
stop, stop, one woman can only be SO COOL
My milkshake brings all the girls to Farage
Don't worry kids, it's just an awkward coincidence that major news outlets like @washingtonpost.com and @thedailybeast.bsky.social are replacing their top editors with right-wing propagandists before the most fraught election in American history.
NEW: Daily Beast editor in chief Tracy Connor is stepping down, according to a staff memo from CEO Ben Sherwood. Hugh Dougherty, formerly of NYPost, Daily Mail, Telegraph, will be the new executive editor. (via Max Tani, Semafor)
I will never stop saying that we warned y’all about this. Maybe consider listening to people with expertise in these fields rather than doubling down on conspiracy theories about what is and is not abortion care and that “this would never happen.” Just makes me so angry. time.com/6194397/abor...
Texas' abortion ban prevented doctors from providing an abortion to a woman with a failing pregnancy—forcing her to instead pass the pregnancy on her own. She spent days in agony, vomiting and bleeding, until she passed out from blood loss and nearly died. www.dallasnews.com/news/public-...
How a couple found themselves tangled in Texas’ strict abortion laws after miscarriagewww.dallasnews.com A Texas woman needed help passing her incomplete miscarriage and wanted a surgical abortion. Her husband said that two medical centers denied or delayed a...
When Is an Abortion Lifesaving? It's No Longer Clear for Doctors and Patientstime.com Some doctors have no idea when they're allowed to save a pregnant person's life
It’s fun that while every non white judge has to face a gauntlet of racist insults regarding their qualifications fed society stooges are practically having their opinions written for them by lobbyists www.huffpost.com/entry/judges...
Trump Judges Went On A Luxury Trip — And It Doomed A Major Biden Policywww.huffpost.com The April 2022 ruling included an unusual legal theory — and new disclosures seen by HuffPost shed some light.
There's never gonna be a movie like EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE again, and I'm so glad of it.
There is basically no technological innovation happening in Silicon Valley.
Everybody fearmongering about Project 2025 needs to understand that the 2025 is when they want it fully implemented, not when they plan to start it. It's already underway and this shit is it
The Heritage Foundation is already declaring the 2024 election rigged beyond repair
This is exhausting. Sheinbaum is openly pro-oil. Openly. Greenwashing at the highest possible levels.
Also the first climate scientist, as the head of state of any country
King scumbag, yeah, Blagojevich. He had his sentence commuted by Trump. Game recognizes game.
I'm still mad at what's his face who gutted the state employee pension system and fucked up my mom's healthcare for years
This is a good time to remember that if we valued women—AT ALL—we wouldn't have allowed Trump to get within shouting distance of the Oval in the first place. Imagine a world in which being a serial sexual predator made one persona non grata in business, entertainment, and/or politics. Imagine.
This is a man who clearly wanted wealth and power all his life *because* it would enable him to coerce and abuse women and get away with it, so there is some cosmic justice in the fact that there’s consequences in both this case and the E. Jean Carroll case
Tell me you don’t understand politics without telling me you don’t understand politics. But do it in a really passive aggressive way by quote posting, as if you don’t actually have anything substantial to contribute.
kind of weird to see the “ACA is useless” bs pop up again in 2024. it’s not great but like. y’all remember how much birth control pills cost pre-ACA???????????
This is Raven the Science Maven! They messed with the wrong person. One of the reasons I started following her (besides her Megan Thee Stallion style rap about immunology) was bc she has figured out how to fight for what she believes in. Cheering you on @ravenscimaven.bsky.social
doesn’t shock me that this happened in virginia beach. also another point of information for my belief that explicit discrimination in housing and employment is still more prevalent than people think.
She Made an Offer on a Condo. Then the Seller Learned She Was Black.www.nytimes.com A Black woman claims a white homeowner tried to pull out of a sale because of her race.