
The current cowardly establishment take is that the nyc trial of Trump was unserious and the only legitimate things to try Trump for just happen to involve getting past the veto of federalist society stooges who would support a violent overthrow of the government if it meant putting Trump in power.
The 'its a weak case' and 'its a novel legal strategy' are just such insane takes that became established as the truth because they are basically memes for people who want to seem serious and solemn above any other issue
It doesn't help that Democrats seem to be terrified to talk about the trial which does make it seem like it was underhanded to the outside viewers
An unfortunate thing about these norms is that they make sense—you shouldn’t be second guessing trials if you believe in the legal system. You should just say ‘oh, it’s a trial, there are laws, we have a process…I respect it.’ But the norm works against them always because they face waves of lies.
I am reminded of Ezra Klein all but demanding Biden's resignation as a shockingly irresponsible take made for similar reasons. Incredibly high likelihood he will regret that take in six months but we can be sure he won't pay any price for making it. Maybe I'll be the only one (and I like Ezra).
it's all an elaborate way to hand the US over to fascism, with plausible deniability to keep the powerful from appearing to violate everything America has claimed to stand for, isn't it
That's pretty much the Federalist Society's goal.
it's bigger than them, though - Democrats are totally in on it - they play their resistance-and-leftism-sabotaging part
"It's not that we support Trump, it's that we're going to do the god-damnedest we can to try to get those subscriptions back up, and if it's bad for the country, it's great for my publication."
Which is exactly why the NYC case was the only one to pin any hopes on, though it's still likely to be overturned on appeal or by SCOTUS.
Ha. “On appeal or by SCOTUS.”Although I suspect it was unintentional, your response illustrates how SCOTUS is widely perceived as a right wing political fixer instead of legitimate court. SCOTUS is (mostly) an appellate court, or at least it’s supposed to be.
It's not at all likely to be turned over by an appeals court.
Why is it likely to be overturned on appeal or by SCOTUS?
questioning the professionalism of judges would essentially call the entire concept of professionalism into question. There’s no one who’s supposed to embody the institutionalist dream of “officer as medium for the office itself” more than a judge
Elite accountability wasn’t supposed to be part of the deal. If McConnell had just let him be impeached we’d still be getting Profiles in Courage slobjobs about how he saved democracy
Has anyone ever published/leaked a Fed Society membership roster? I get the sense that more and more biglaw attorneys are keeping it off their public resumes.
Trump has been given a pass at every turn for the last 9 years. So when I hear people argue that he was prosecuted on a novel legal theory, my answer is great -- someone is finally doing their job and finding creative ways to stop this threat to our country. More novel legal theories please!
Someone should design language to package his cons & frauds, starting with pre-escalator Trump U, the foundation, $400+bn loan & tax scheme, etc. It's an impressive oeuvre if he does say so. The obvious theme should repel all who think organizing society around con & fraud is bad. (Oh, FedSoc)
This is perhaps the clearest example demonstrating how Trump is graded on a curve. You can only prosecute someone for their most egregious crimes now? Trump deserves a pass for anything short of autogolpe and espionage? It’s absolutely absurd.
Sounds about right. Unfortunately it's been made clear by the Dem establishment that we voters have zero say in any of this so....collective shrugs all around🤷‍♀️
It was a warm-up for him rather than getting thrown straight into the insurrection trial or classified docs case. He's feeling the pressure and now he knows a bit more what he's in for on the next ones. He's naturally counting on winning the election or creating massive chaos if he loses. He'll lose
People saying that are ignorant of NY law and are wholly unqualified to have any opinion whatsoever
They love it "when a plan comes together"... 🤬