Chris Lee

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Chris Lee

Writer. Former white collar attorney. Liability at dinner parties.

Brooklyn, as expected.
NY Post has an exclusive about six people arrested from former Soviet republics who allegedly have ties to ISIS. But the article features pictures of South and Central American migrants at the border. Shame on the author, Jennie Taer, and the editors at the Post for worse than usual bigotry.
Six suspected terrorists with ISIS ties arrested in sting "Remember the Boston marathon [bombing]? I'm afraid something like that might happen again or worse," said one source.
Better late than never. The NYT Op-ed team always knew how to find subject matter experts who could succinctly discuss the legal issues and odds in Trump’s appeal. Prioritizing the opinions of non-attorneys and non-local practitioners regarding the appeal was a choice.
Opinion | I’m an Appellate Lawyer in Manhattan. If Trump Appeals His Conviction, He Faces Long Only one approach is likely to hold out anything more than the slimmest of hopes for the former president.
In this local diner representative of the median New Yorker there was a tradition. Drive in from the New Jersey suburbs, find parking in midtown, then gripe about congestion pricing over everyman eggs and drip coffee. That is until a journalist fact-checked the governor’s bullshit story.
It was never a good look that Hochul sold out millions of New Yorkers because a few diner owners complained about congestion pricing, but now it looks like she might have been lying about that. Whatever the truth, she's cooked.
Reposted byAvatar Chris Lee
This was taken after. A Haaretz journalist, Nir Hasson, uses his body to protect the Palestinian journalist. Photo credit: Maya Levin | NPR
"We have to make sure that it's not a due burden on everyday New Yorkers." Mayor Adams Trump-talks his way into accidentally calling Congestion Pricing exactly what it is: a "due burden" that is massively outweighed by its benefits.
He was already pretty pissed with his security detail over the prior milkshake incident: “Shortly after the incident, Nigel Farage can be heard telling security ‘how did that happen?’ and ‘how did you not stop that?’”
Preserved here, complete, for posterity.
Nigel Farage hit by MILKSHAKE during Newcastle NIGEL Farage has been left 'furious' after he was hit by a milkshake during Brexit Party campaigning in Newcastle City Centre.
Fun fact: this genteel authoritarian was sleeping with a friend of mine who was at least 25 years his junior for most of his time as EIC at the WSJ.
Opinion | Trump Is a Target of Blind-Leading-the-Blind The legal system was never purely impartial, but this case is also an assault on American democracy.
And word spread of a new claimant to the throne in Clacton, the Queen by the Sea.
A good time to remember the Republican party has ZERO Jewish senators and ONLY TWO Jewish house members (less than 1% of total bloc).
Family text threads around the world going crazy as the Jews pass around the news the new President of Mexico is a Jewish lady.
Tim Pool could help him open a cursed haberdashery specializing in beanies and newsie hats called Tops for Tossers.
will someone please employ matt taibbi to do something productive
Reread Dune recently and came across this… “Once, men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.” Frank Herbert, Dune.
sam altman: we need eleventy zillion dollars to build the future of AI, which will impact all of our lives and could go disastrously wrong if we don’t get what we need also sam altman: we have no corporate governance to speak of and are managed like a car dealership
OpenAI has a new safety team — it’s run by Sam Several key OpenAI researchers have resigned over safety concerns.
Heritage's modern-day fascism also illustrates how they flipflopped on traditional conservative values. Heritage's "Mandate for Leadership" in 1988 proposed: - Enabling "freedom fighters" inside Russia and Eastern Europe - Housing vouchers for the unhoused - And a national healthcare mandate!
Really cannot stress how dangerous things are getting here. Heritage foundation is pushing the in distress upside down flag now. This is an overt signal now and should be seen as a threat imo.
And then those law students become associates at law firms marketing cultures of collegiality in which you are discouraged from raising your voice against a colleague, even when they are working to deprive other Americans of fundamental rights.
Unfortunately, in law schools, we still talk about civility endlessly. The civility of sit back and take it, the civility of respect your betters, the civility of men are talking here. It's exhausting
SCOTUS: it would be improper for justices to meet with congressional representatives to discuss why they should recuse themselves from cases where they have conflict of interest also SCOTUS: totally cool to have some beers with the speaker of the house and hatch a plan to bust a felon out of prison
Every media outlet should be reminding the public that the federal government prosecuted John Edwards on an eerily similar fact pattern involving potentially illegal payments to a mistress to avoid bad press during a presidential campaign. And that the prosecution happened under a Dem president.
This will be the only day for the rest of my life when I want Hillary Clinton to chime in.
Reposted byAvatar Chris Lee
As the jury deliberates in the People v. Trump, I wanted to share a related story about progressive pragmatism. My friend Janos Marton was one of the progressive candidates in the Manhattan DA race, running to the left of Alvin Bragg. As the primary drew near polling showed a two-way race... /1
As the jury deliberates in the People v. Trump, I wanted to share a related story about progressive pragmatism. My friend Janos Marton was one of the progressive candidates in the Manhattan DA race, running to the left of Alvin Bragg. As the primary drew near polling showed a two-way race... /1
End of feed.