
Contrast with their speed in the colorado case. The justices are helping trump because they want him to win.
It remains astonishing that SCOTUS waited weeks to even announce they were taking on the presidential immunity case and now we stand on the eve of the last scheduled day of decisions and they still haven't released it -- all but guaranteeing Trump will not face a federal jury before the election.
If they want to be politicians the. They should relinquish their lifetime appointments and be voted in.
Or we just make SCOTUS an elected position like at the state level
This should be a constitutional crisis of once in a lifetime proportions and Sotomayor, Kagan, and KBJ should be giving a presser about it And the fact that they don’t means we have already lost folks
Well…don’t give up yet. It’s a critical time to push, vote & speak. Wishing you a refreshing swim or cooling break then back to it.
Obstruction of Justice. They need to be investigated and impeached. No person (or Justice) is above the law!
What a job. Not only do you get almost unrestricted latitude to interpret the nation’s laws as you see fit, but also you don’t even have to follow any sort of pre-prescribed template or norms for when and how you will do so
plus you get a free yacht if you believe in Qanon.
Only one? 🤷‍♂️
Or a free RV if you don't believe in QAnon.
There’s no other plausible explanation.
what's the logic of the liberal justices who don't speak out? Are they ideologically captured by the myth of the court? Do they think(probably true) that no media would accurately report on their claims?
They have to protect their phony-baloney jobs, i.e., "I have to work with these people." If they did the rational thing it would expose too much of the lie propping up the whole court. Gotta keep the curtain in place so people keep looking at the giant screaming head.
I understand SCOTUS has always been political, but I never recall them being so nakedly so. For someone purportedly concerned about his legacy, Roberts has a funny way of showing it. I think the history books will speak of his Court, but not in the way he wants.
I guess they didn't appreciate Jack Smith asking for an expedited decision last December.
Shit, now I know that made them lag more.
That’s been clear since they took this ridiculous case in the first place. A majority of the SCOTUS is doing Trump’s bidding. Even if he officially loses the case, he’s won. They’ve very deliberately given him the long delay he wanted.
Do the liberal justices have any leverage to bring pressure on this issue?
Even if they did, they’ve shown no inclination to do so.
Nothing that wouldn't violate the "norms and traditions" of independence and non-partisanship.
Yep. They’re a bunch of democracy hating scumbags.
Because Harlan Crow wants him to win.
I fly the SCOTUS LOGO upside down! Moses Mikey said it...SCOTUS is in his back pocket!!
Who are these “justices”? If we could find them, we could beat them up. No courtroom in the world would convict!
It is what it looks like. Outrageously corrupt.
Look, if you don't understand the Purcell Principle then I can't explain it to you because I don't understand it either and that's by design Wait