Attentive Dragon

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Attentive Dragon

They/Them | Fantasy Author, Atheist Humanist, Leftist | Talking about my books, video games, and whatever other randomness my ADHD gloms onto | BLM, Trans Rights are Human Rights
Tentatively planning to stream Thursday evening over on Twitch. Gonna finally pull for Navia in Genshin, and then play through some more of the Fontaine story quest. Thinking about streaming Max Payne for future streams. Maaaaybe starting next week.
Only the 2nd game I've ever bothered Platinuming. Control was just that good. I know Remedy is currently working on a sequel, and I can't wait. I think the next game in my queue will be Max Payne (and its sequels), then Quantum Break, and then move on to Alan Wake 2. Remedy's getting all my money.
How would a man who lived 78 years without knowing words have consequences be remotely qualified to lead a country?
I have never read anything more credulous than Axios’s thing about Trump this morning. Like…
Is it weird that, upon hearing todays news, my brain immediately went: “What if it’s John Hinckley Jr., and he missed AGAIN? How embarrassing would that be?”
I'm one easy achievement away from "Platinuming" Control. I almost never bother, and that should tell you how much I've LOVED this game. Trying to decide if next I should go back and play the Max Payne series, Quantum Break, Alan Wake's American Nightmare, or finally move on to Alan Wake 2.
Excuse me this is America, we say MERRY Fourth of July.
There are two elements to the immunity decision that are particularly extreme in a way that many will miss: (1) motive is irrelevant and (2) immune acts are not just excluded from prosecution, they’re excluded from evidence. /1
Every morning I check the news and it's like -SCOTUS Eliminates Three More Basic Rights, Only Six Remain -President Mispronounces a Word, Will Now Lose Election to Senile Hitler -New AI Company Uses Artist Blood to Let Billionaires and Racists Live Forever, Gets $45 Billion Valuation
One thing from Alan Wake I didn't expect was liking the character of Barry Wheeler. When he was introduced, I was like: "Ugh, who is THIS asshole?" But by the end of the game, that Christmas light-wearing doofus really grew on me. He's a needed light-hearted counterpoint to the rest of the horror.
I think I'm almost done with Alan Wake, and I'm really regretting not having streamed it. There were so many moments where I was just having SO MUCH FUN, moments of cool revelation/recognition that would have been great live - I fully intend to stream Alan Wake 2 once I get around to playing that.
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
Finally started playing #Alanwake and here are my initial thoughts: 1. I kind of hate the combat. 2. I absolutely love everything else about it.
If Omelas is such a utopia, then why do people walk away from it instead of riding a Segway or something? Seems pretty sus to me.
Justin Timberlake, in the Jurassic Park control room when all of the electric fences go down: “This is going to ruin the tour.”
Saw over on the bird site: an unofficial imagined page from a Columbo / Batman crossover. Art by Colin Craker. I have to admit, I’d love to read that story.
Booted up Control again; want to finish out all the DLC missions I never completed before moving on to Alan Wake and later Alan Wake 2. I'm really digging this whole connected universe Remedy came up with.
Old Gods Of Asgard - Take Control (from 'Control' OST) #rock #alternative #soundtrack
I fucking love David Tennant SO MUCH! (Source: Georgia Tennant's IG)
really telling that all the photos and tiktoks from IDF soldiers show them posing with canes and lingerie and smashed musical instruments, never holding a Hammas RPG or AK47 or any other trophies you'd expect combatants to take in a war.
Stovey is going to court for doing the morally imperative and correct thing to a Nazi. If you’d like to contribute to his expenses, here are links:$st0veyy no one feel pressured i’ll survive i promise 🩷
Donald Sutherland lived.
You could do this with literally any three Donald Sutherland performances. “Clearly he’ll be remembered for his sensitive turn alongside Mary Tyler Moore in ‘Ordinary People,’ but he’ll always be President Snow to me. Oh hey, remember when he showed ass in ‘Animal House’?”
I always find amusing the weird crossover marketing deals the #Fortnite folks come up with. Like, Metallica? Really? Then again, it's pretty hilarious when the kids in the house are shouting "GIVE ME FUEL GIVE ME FIRE GIVE ME THAT WHICH I DESIRE!" Pass on the music to the next generation, I guess.
I don't mind when a game like #Fortnite adds a fun new weapon/mechanic. It's just annoying when it feels like every single match ends up, at the end, requiring the use of that mechanic to win, and choosing not to use it means you almost certainly will lose. Yes, this is about Nitro Fists.
fundamentally, at the core of conservatism is an empathy gap they might, in the abstract, know how things work - but it isn't real unless it happens to them, at which point it becomes an outrage they don't think other people are real, not the way they are
I haven't stopped thinking about this since I read it.
Oh good! Looks like bsky implemented that “followed by these people you know” feature. Like I’ve said before, it’s not perfect, but it can be a helpful measure for seeing who might be worth spending the time/effort to listen to or get to know better.
I finally came up with names for the two characters I was talking about earlier. This means, according to my brain, that I’m allowed to write the next scene. Thanks, brain, for your permission, you gatekeeping FUCK.
A utopian society sustained by the incessant consumption of the unborn offspring of birds. Some cannot stomach the ugly truth of how their society is preserved, and, following their conscience, leave. Yes, they are The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelets.