Julia Serano

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Julia Serano


author of Whipping Girl, Sexed Up, Excluded & 99 Erics. also a musician & biologist. more at juliaserano.com. @juliaserano most other platforms. she/her
omg Ron Howard has been keeping some bad company lately
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
Anyone who is looking for free access to the scholarly work referenced in this article and more gender-affirming scholarly works should check out Internet Archive Scholar. There are almost 250K results for "gender affirming" and over 50K for "transgender" scholar.archive.org
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
While this piece is in response to an article in the New York Times it has great relevance to the debate on the subject in the UK. There are a LOT of references to support the points made.
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
Aside from anything else, it's *so much fun* being socialised as the gender you aren't. Yeah. Really does wonders for your self-esteem and confidence. Anyway. Julia's always worth reading 👇🏻
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
"What we are dealing with here is a hundred-year-old medical field that has gradually come to the conclusion (particularly over the last three decades) that gender-disaffirming approaches are harmful and gender-affirming approaches are beneficial." Masses of receipts here.
given today's news that SCOTUS will take up bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth next session, this piece has everything you need to know about the history & efficacy of this care, & debunks common anti-trans talking points against it: juliaserano.medium.com/gender-affir...
Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth Is Neither New nor Experimental: A Timeline and Compilation…juliaserano.medium.com NOTE: this essay is a 15 minute read. If it’s listed as longer than that, it’s because it contains a list of over 100 references at the…
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
Anti-trans “research” is completely bereft of any scientific, medical, or historical legitimacy, and yet this bunk and its proponents are what’s threatening to rob untold numbers of trans and nonbinary people of their rights. It must be opposed, loudly, with your chest. Julia Serano’s got the deets.
given today's news that SCOTUS will take up bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth next session, this piece has everything you need to know about the history & efficacy of this care, & debunks common anti-trans talking points against it: juliaserano.medium.com/gender-affir...
Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth Is Neither New nor Experimental: A Timeline and Compilation…juliaserano.medium.com NOTE: this essay is a 15 minute read. If it’s listed as longer than that, it’s because it contains a list of over 100 references at the…
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
Julia is your one-stop shop for factual, comprehensive, well-synthesized information on affirming care for trans youth. Accept no substitutes.
given today's news that SCOTUS will take up bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth next session, this piece has everything you need to know about the history & efficacy of this care, & debunks common anti-trans talking points against it: juliaserano.medium.com/gender-affir...
Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth Is Neither New nor Experimental: A Timeline and Compilation…juliaserano.medium.com NOTE: this essay is a 15 minute read. If it’s listed as longer than that, it’s because it contains a list of over 100 references at the…
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
One of my favorite things to ever learn was that trans, and gender-nonconforming people have been a part of recorded history since Mesopotamia… the first human civilization… If being trans is “new and trendy” just wait till they learn about the wheel!
given today's news that SCOTUS will take up bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth next session, this piece has everything you need to know about the history & efficacy of this care, & debunks common anti-trans talking points against it: juliaserano.medium.com/gender-affir...
Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth Is Neither New nor Experimental: A Timeline and Compilation…juliaserano.medium.com NOTE: this essay is a 15 minute read. If it’s listed as longer than that, it’s because it contains a list of over 100 references at the…
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
Spoiler alert: there is "current scientific consensus that gender-disaffirming approaches are harmful and gender-affirming approaches are beneficial for trans youth." Julia Serano bringing the receipts with over ONE HUNDRED citations.
given today's news that SCOTUS will take up bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth next session, this piece has everything you need to know about the history & efficacy of this care, & debunks common anti-trans talking points against it: juliaserano.medium.com/gender-affir...
Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth Is Neither New nor Experimental: A Timeline and Compilation…juliaserano.medium.com NOTE: this essay is a 15 minute read. If it’s listed as longer than that, it’s because it contains a list of over 100 references at the…
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
We need to be smacking down every asinine anti-trans thing "just asking questions" people say every fucking time they say it.
given today's news that SCOTUS will take up bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth next session, this piece has everything you need to know about the history & efficacy of this care, & debunks common anti-trans talking points against it: juliaserano.medium.com/gender-affir...
Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth Is Neither New nor Experimental: A Timeline and Compilation…juliaserano.medium.com NOTE: this essay is a 15 minute read. If it’s listed as longer than that, it’s because it contains a list of over 100 references at the…
given today's news that SCOTUS will take up bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth next session, this piece has everything you need to know about the history & efficacy of this care, & debunks common anti-trans talking points against it: juliaserano.medium.com/gender-affir...
Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth Is Neither New nor Experimental: A Timeline and Compilation…juliaserano.medium.com NOTE: this essay is a 15 minute read. If it’s listed as longer than that, it’s because it contains a list of over 100 references at the…
seeing lots of JKR discussion today. if you are interested in responses to her claims that trans ppl supposedly "threaten/erase/silence women" (& many other GC/TERF talking points), please check out my latest essay! (no-paywall link): juliaserano.medium.com/a-gender-cri...
A “Gender Critical” and “TERF” Primerjuliaserano.medium.com for readers trying to make sense of “feminists versus transgender activists” debates
question: has anyone ever received an inquiry from a journalist whose email was first-name only with no link to a website or previous writings? trying not to jump to conclusions here, but I've had anti-trans activists try to "phish" me in the past so...
ICYMI from this week, my comprehensive review & response to GC/TERFism:
NEW ESSAY (many months in the making): A "Gender Critical" and "TERF" Primer (for readers trying to make sense of "feminists versus transgender activists" debates). no paywall, please give it lots of "claps" & share widely! juliaserano.medium.com/a-gender-cri...
A “Gender Critical” and “TERF” Primerjuliaserano.medium.com for readers trying to make sense of “feminists versus transgender activists” debates
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
Nyttig lesing! 🏳️‍🌈
NEW ESSAY (many months in the making): A "Gender Critical" and "TERF" Primer (for readers trying to make sense of "feminists versus transgender activists" debates). no paywall, please give it lots of "claps" & share widely! juliaserano.medium.com/a-gender-cri...
A “Gender Critical” and “TERF” Primerjuliaserano.medium.com for readers trying to make sense of “feminists versus transgender activists” debates
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
this is SUCH a great read, a good quick rundown of feminism thought.
NEW ESSAY (many months in the making): A "Gender Critical" and "TERF" Primer (for readers trying to make sense of "feminists versus transgender activists" debates). no paywall, please give it lots of "claps" & share widely! juliaserano.medium.com/a-gender-cri...
A “Gender Critical” and “TERF” Primerjuliaserano.medium.com for readers trying to make sense of “feminists versus transgender activists” debates
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
"GC/TERFs have made their position quite clear: They are squarely on team “push trans people out of the public sphere.” They may dress it up in esoteric language but if you look at the entire body of what they are proposing, it’s a world that is utterly inhospitable for trans people."
NEW ESSAY (many months in the making): A "Gender Critical" and "TERF" Primer (for readers trying to make sense of "feminists versus transgender activists" debates). no paywall, please give it lots of "claps" & share widely! juliaserano.medium.com/a-gender-cri...
A “Gender Critical” and “TERF” Primerjuliaserano.medium.com for readers trying to make sense of “feminists versus transgender activists” debates
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
This should be required reading by all politicians. Then maybe we could move forward instead of backwards.
NEW ESSAY (many months in the making): A "Gender Critical" and "TERF" Primer (for readers trying to make sense of "feminists versus transgender activists" debates). no paywall, please give it lots of "claps" & share widely! juliaserano.medium.com/a-gender-cri...
A “Gender Critical” and “TERF” Primerjuliaserano.medium.com for readers trying to make sense of “feminists versus transgender activists” debates
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
more awesome work from Julia Serano.
NEW ESSAY (many months in the making): A "Gender Critical" and "TERF" Primer (for readers trying to make sense of "feminists versus transgender activists" debates). no paywall, please give it lots of "claps" & share widely! juliaserano.medium.com/a-gender-cri...
A “Gender Critical” and “TERF” Primerjuliaserano.medium.com for readers trying to make sense of “feminists versus transgender activists” debates
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
"If you vocally oppose a minority group, you will likely come across as a bigot. But if you frame that opposition as being in defense or support of some other marginalized group, then your efforts may strike uninformed outsiders as being righteous."
NEW ESSAY (many months in the making): A "Gender Critical" and "TERF" Primer (for readers trying to make sense of "feminists versus transgender activists" debates). no paywall, please give it lots of "claps" & share widely! juliaserano.medium.com/a-gender-cri...
A “Gender Critical” and “TERF” Primerjuliaserano.medium.com for readers trying to make sense of “feminists versus transgender activists” debates
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
"GC/TERFs have made their position quite clear: They are squarely on team “push trans people out of the public sphere.”
NEW ESSAY (many months in the making): A "Gender Critical" and "TERF" Primer (for readers trying to make sense of "feminists versus transgender activists" debates). no paywall, please give it lots of "claps" & share widely! juliaserano.medium.com/a-gender-cri...
A “Gender Critical” and “TERF” Primerjuliaserano.medium.com for readers trying to make sense of “feminists versus transgender activists” debates
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
I’ve learned a lot from Julia and it seems I will *continue* learning a lot from Julia
NEW ESSAY (many months in the making): A "Gender Critical" and "TERF" Primer (for readers trying to make sense of "feminists versus transgender activists" debates). no paywall, please give it lots of "claps" & share widely! juliaserano.medium.com/a-gender-cri...
A “Gender Critical” and “TERF” Primerjuliaserano.medium.com for readers trying to make sense of “feminists versus transgender activists” debates
Reposted byAvatar Julia Serano
Very good read
NEW ESSAY (many months in the making): A "Gender Critical" and "TERF" Primer (for readers trying to make sense of "feminists versus transgender activists" debates). no paywall, please give it lots of "claps" & share widely! juliaserano.medium.com/a-gender-cri...
A “Gender Critical” and “TERF” Primerjuliaserano.medium.com for readers trying to make sense of “feminists versus transgender activists” debates