
I haven't stopped thinking about this since I read it.
This is also why they are so exhausting; it's like debating a toddler, except the toddler has a gun and wants to take away your healthcare.
The clearest/funniest example of this I can remember was the outcry about how movie theaters were sabotaging Sound of Freedom because the movie started late and the sound was off and the air conditioner wasn't turned on and the frame wasn't the whole way on the screen and
I liked how they bought out theaters in advance, and then complained that it was a conspiracy that the “sold out” theaters were empty. Of course they were empty! Your groups bulk bought the tickets!
Or finding out that it doesn’t work the way it did when they were 20 and had assumed it still did.
Wait you’re telling me that when one candidate gets more votes than the other that means they win the election?!?!? “But my team has to win!!!” “The election was stolen!!!” “How dare they get more votes because our ideas are shitty and harmful!” “Fraud!!” “Stop the steal!!!!”
"How can our party compete in democratic elections if the other party persists in their vile 'be more popular' tactics?"
The corollary of "reality has a well-known liberal bias."
Conservatives: Other people can vote?
Oh, they've known for a while about that. They've been trying to "fix" that outrage for decades, and have made some significant headway.
A couple of people I know parroting right-wing talking points, complete with the upside down flag, probably don’t vote. They are really upset about all the things the right-wing media tell them but… I highly doubt they actually vote.
It's not about them voting but about them wanting to take the rights of OTHER people to vote away
Read this article this morning. The idea that MAGA simply wants a dictator and hates the electorate, in general, is an interesting take. Think about who conservatives’ are pandering to — the 1%. They don’t care what the average person wants. Voting is for plebs. Power is for rich authoritarians.
Trump Hates Votes. Even When They're For That's sort of good news for Biden.
It's such a perfect summary, right?
Omg. I am still just processing like my “server” has been paused for…Idk…my whole life?!?
"Down with universal health care! You can pry medicare from my cold dead hands!"
And then making bad faith arguments about why it doesn't
My favorite talking point is when they accuse democrats of cheating in elections by "pandering to voters" like, yeah man
I feel like 80% of conservatives are so close to getting it on so many things. It's why it's so agonizing to see them swerve wildly in the wrong direction to become establishment pawns.
The other 20% of the outrage is self-inflicted, by blaming it on the usual targets.
That’s like, wow.
That's why good public education is key to societal progress and unity.
Ok, but I'm also wondering what % of general, non-conservative outrage is also this? E.g. "wait, the companies knew the plastics would never be recycled?" or "so the mortgage interest deduction is only useful for way more expensive homes?" 😡
Fucking awesome truth has this effect 🤡