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I know I'm not the audience, but these RNC speeches just seem ... lifeless? Compared to past conventions, especially. The speakers are awkward, the red meat is half-assed, and the audience doesn't seem to be responding all that well.
I keep seeing surprised posts "Huh, I went to [insert event, conference, club, on an airplane, the Sphere] and got COVID!" Meanwhile CNN is running headlines saying "COVID-19's Back." Friends, it never, ever went away and I'm still masking in indoor spaces for your protection as well as my own.
man I used to not block at all. going wisdom was it just sends the message that you're paying attention, food for the troll, etc. very glad to have grown out of that, now I block people for saying they've never been to a powerviolence gig, for saying they haven't tried stir-fried lettuce, anything
glas mobile looks weak
And to be fair, this isn't a failing. God, it's one of the only normal human reactions I've ever seen from him
get blocks from left only
Why would you be mad someone blocked you. “I can’t see someone I don’t like’s posts, and they can’t see mine!”. It seems like they’ve solved the problem for both of you
I am having an absolutely incredible day at an economy themed amusement park for kids in Japan. I don’t know even know where to start. My kids have been doing jobs all day. They’re earning money. Different types of jobs pay different amounts of money. Some, like cheerleading, pay negative money. 😂
This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
The "unity convention" is now airing a terrible rap song with the refrain "FJB."
nor el hotzo but grinning all the time witnessing history entertainment waiting 90m long documentaries on youotube. dint know the 912 one name
guilt shadow
having sat with it a while, the impression that no one gives a shit that trump got shot at probably gives me more hope than anything else over the past couple weeks plus.
It’s interesting to see white queer people reject criticisms of white supremacy. But like, white supremacy violently constructed the gender and sex norms that queer people challenge. It’s where “we” got the binary from.
sc will decide
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
fed dis
Wiederholt bezieht sich Elon Musk auf Naomi Seibt aus Münster-Handorf. Naomi Seibt ist "Anarchokapitalistin" geworden, weil ihre Mutter sie immer zum Hayekclub Münsterland mitgeschleppt hat.
white sniper in civis need to investigate whos that perfect disguise
threads politik setting default. manchmal wieder selfie sehr oft vorgeschlagen springen influencer category. or they make more money day of week hour of day. like gas station. algo change
x for some stuff good but its indiv
One more thing. This is why so many Black users have stayed on X despite, long before the discourse noticed his awfulness, having nicknamed Musk “Apartheid Clyde.” People go where their people are, they migrate for community. (I know “community” has been a hard to grasp concept on here.)
jdv stay w violent dad
if you’re trying to engage with politically disconnected people about project 2025, identify a specific part that you think will resonate with them. i just told my friend who’s a public school teacher about the plan to abolish the department of education and that got her hooked.
I'd say knocking a lot of doors canvassing here in VA over the past 20 or so years cured me of this. Huge variation in what's on people's minds, but most people think of politics very very little and also often have very weird ideas of how politics connects to their life.
b thr
Not just smarter, but WAY more knowledgeable. He actually USES his smarts in smart ways, something which isn't even noticed as a general rule. Our culture treats being smart as performance. Bouie actually puts it to work. You see the fruits in his columns all the time.
Right-wing psycho tries to kills someone with a bafflingly legal firearm = dog bites man.
Bouie may no longer be the “young” I mean here, but consider, when ordinary Black users see people they look up to and respect like Tressie, Jamelle, and Lydia flea because of harassment and racism, are they inspired to think this is a worthy or cool place for them? 2/?
people want motives to recognize evil in their neighbors family friends etc. fascist christian morality fantasy world hell
usa bunch of super smarts to make conspiracies or just dumb luck situations not smart