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Orthodox Jewish father of 5; Litigation Disaster Tour Guide; Jets Fan. Fighting the widening gyre.
For your blocking pleasure
Doormat that was recently pulled from sale by Marcket Shirts
Infinity Song, Hater's Anthem You cannot tell me these folks don't have a bluesky account
Excellent quality in a president
On the plus side, the NetChoice decision included an unequivocal smackdown of the Fifth Circuit in as close to a "oh, no, baby, what the fuck are you doing?" as Elena Kagan will ever come
Hey, Andy Oldham, do you even First Amendment, bro?
Begging, just fucking begging, freezepeachers to understand PruneYard has exactly zero application to social media companies
Well, that's not terrifying or anything. (Source: www.adl.org/sites/defaul... - couldn't figure out how to get the data into the alt text legibly, so please follow the link if this impacts you)
It's a deeply antisemitic publication
Heh. Hoping this is all coming across in the genuinely warm tone it's been intended in. But that's what I had assumed until I saw this, which reads as hoping the investigation will nail down the rule, not merely the application
Anyone who sees this picture and still claims the IDF used an "aid truck" for the hostage rescue is a deeply broken person. You can literally see the dish soap brand logo on the truck
For fuck's sake Bsky what did you do to the picture. Let's try again
You can literally see the logo here
Screenshots from the piece
I have serious concerns about these women's sexual health
NEWS: In a 2-1 decision, the Fifth Circuit orders Llano County to put back several books on their library's shelves that they had removed based on content and viewpoint. The panel modifies but affirms the district court's injunction against the county. storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.us...
Is ... is this what it's like to read posts from football fans when you don't know the game?
If you see this, post a Wolf
If you see this post a wolf
I am AMAZED that this trap actually closed. There were so many signals to anyone paying attention that he should back away!
From 2022 - Lapid endorsed 2 states, Gantz "two entities" (whatever the hell that means, he was trying to have it both ways)
This is actually a really important piece, since it makes explicit what a lot of Israel's defenders have been pointing out for years - that antizionists are subjecting it to a bespoke legal regime that starts with a conclusion (whatever it is you're doing is wrong) and works backwards from there
Columbia Law Review took the whole site down instead of making this law review article available. PDF version available here: drive.google.com/file/d/1vC1-...
All due respect to Professor McQuade, but I think this is pretty solidly wrong. Trump's defense has been arguing "he wasn't trying to influence the election, he was trying to protect his family from a claim that he cheated" "Publicly bragging about the cheating" kind of torpedoes that
Seriously, look at this nonsense. Apparently, federal office leases have a weird provision where the cost per square foot goes down the more people are physically there? The Federal Government's real estate costs are SUNK, Mitt. They don't vary based on in-office time.
amongst so many candidates for the dumbest shit I ever saw, this is the dumbest www.govexec.com/workforce/20...
Well, it turns out Harrison Butker is so much more than just a misogynist
Oh, and the 5/6 numbers also *explicitly* say that it's not including that 10K "missing" that you'd have to include to get the numbers to anything approaching a reasonable error band, so either they're lying in their demographic reporting (in how many dead) or they're lying about their data set (by
Welp, that explains a lot