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Orthodox Jewish father of 5; Litigation Disaster Tour Guide; Jets Fan. Fighting the widening gyre.
Reposted byAvatar AkivaMCohen
Is there any lesson to be taken from the French moderate liberal and left earnestly trying to cooperate and help one another defeat a reactionary threat to democracy? Yes there is, until anyone one degree off from my personal political leanings pisses me off over anything, and I mean anything.
Yeah, for some reason I had 279 in my head so I was going "what drops trump by 7" instead of "by 17"
Yeah, math wasn't mathing and for some reason I had 279 in my head instead of 270
Also, that's a lot of words to say "If the current polls are accurate, Biden just needs to win Michigan and Wisconsin - currently tossups - and flip only one of Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Arizona"
"And if he gets PA, he doesn't even need Wisconsin"
It definitely is the better outcome. It'd just be nice if people recognized that it was a "lesser of two evils" situation, rather than an unalloyed good
there were legit concerns that came out of the debate! I shared those legit concerns! since then: 1) the polling has stubbornly refused to fall off a cliff 2) Biden has done enough to convince me, and I think convince anyone else who's being fair, that he doesn't have dementia.
Hotter ocean temps can also lead to ocean-based tornadoes, so please remember to keep an Ian Ziering nearby at all times, for safety's sake
I admit I’m OK with getting really big sharks back as a climate change side effect
Reposted byAvatar AkivaMCohen
agreed fortunately however, he seems to be considered at least debatable not just by his NFP partners but also by many of his LFI comrades and he will undoubtedly never be Prime Minister so let‘s hope for the best…
Reposted byAvatar AkivaMCohen
There are a ton of quotes like this, so each person cites something else. Then there are translation artifacts - how do you translate the paragraph whose gist is "France didn't collaborate with the Nazis because I have decided to define Vichy as not-France"?
He's the head of the largest party in the governing coalition and former leader of the opposition in the prior parliament, no? So I would expect him to be. But I'd be glad to be wrong about that
Yes. From the reporting I've seen, he's likely the next PM. Would be very glad to have that wrong
He's the head of the largest party; likely to be the next PM, as far as I can tell. "Presumptively the next Prime Minister of France" is pretty ascendant, IMO
BTW, I'm pleased that NR lost in France. But it's pretty tough to celebrate the ascendancy of a guy who called French Jews “an arrogant minority that lectures to the rest” in a 2017 speech.
BTW, search that quote here on Bluesky and you'll find only one post mentioning it - the one above. (Unless everyone else who bothered has blocked me, I guess.) Do people just not know this about Melanchon? Or does it just not matter?
Reposted byAvatar AkivaMCohen
You should not package the elections of other countries as "lessons" for US voters. Shut the fuck up.
"How the US first-past-the-post two-party system with an electoral college is exactly like this multi-party parliamentary democracy with multiple runoff elections" and other things the brainworms whispered in my ear.
You can't just focus on the right's vote splits and say that's what made the difference without also considering the left's.
Add the reform vote to the Tory total and all the left wing candidates to the Labour total and see what you get
If you don't think negative partisanship drove a significant number of tory votes in 2019 I don't know what to tell you
Also, that was the Brexit election, which drove turnout way way higher across the board
Except that negative partisanship drove a huge number of votes *against* corbyn's Labour in much the same way it does against Trump here. Do you think that turnout was so high in 2019 because people just loved Boris Johnson? Also, that was the brexit election
Reposted byAvatar AkivaMCohen
The best tweet of the day… no, the month. I really didn’t know that the neo-Nazis had these many sympathizers. If you are still wondering how millions of people perished in concentration & death camps, well, it starts with people like this guy. Yes, I’m saying it & meaning it quite literally.
Reposted byAvatar AkivaMCohen
The lesson of the French elections really seems to be “only a united coalition can beat back the forces of tyranny” and not so much about whether leftism or centrism are inherently superior political philosophies.