
No, you don't understand - the law would have let her have an abortion in those circumstances, this is the doctor's fault. Of course, if they'd done the abortion we wouldn't have the evidence that it was actually life threatening, and the doctors would have to litigate that at risk of jail time but
Texas' abortion ban prevented doctors from providing an abortion to a woman with a failing pregnancy—forcing her to instead pass the pregnancy on her own. She spent days in agony, vomiting and bleeding, until she passed out from blood loss and nearly died.
How a couple found themselves tangled in Texas’ strict abortion laws after A Texas woman needed help passing her incomplete miscarriage and wanted a surgical abortion. Her husband said that two medical centers denied or delayed a...
That's a small price to pay, you know?
Heads I win, tails you’re jailed.
Horrifying. The laws are getting near-medieval.
Hey what happens at checkpoints when p word women are trying to get to a hospital? I’ll be holding my breath in anxious anticipation of your good faithed response
Take this an an opportunity to edify your flock
I think Akiva might’ve been sarcastic
Akiva is a Zionist it doesn’t matter he reduces a people to an ethnic inconvenience at the most charitable