I and My Cloud

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I and My Cloud


Law, Lit, Drinks, Stringed Instruments, Bicycles, Leeds United, Detroit Red Wings, and the Decline of Man

Too many hobbies, too little time. He’ll never amount to anything with his dilettantish ways.

All my jokes are dad jokes. I am a dad.
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an entire movement of wicked people who celebrate wickedness
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
A small, very cool thing
Flameo, hotman! My teen requested a red and orange dragonscale dice bag, and I ended up landing on this flame color scheme. #crochet #dicebag #dragonscale #gamingdice #ttrpg #handmade #dice 🧶
This is all such fall of the Roman Republic shit.
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Chief Justice Roberts decrees the end of DOJ independence in an offhanded sentence on page 20.
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Just read a post suggesting that Troi's empathy is just an ability to hear the episode's background music when someone is speaking. This is now my personal canon.
Dear hammered guy at the bar after the show, tomorrow is your 46th wedding anniversary and you’re seeing the Twins as ballpark 29 of 30 on your your of all the MLB ballparks. Your wife is hellfire pissed at you. Try to remember what your kids do and where they live.
To the guy three rows deep at the TMBG show, just reading manga on your phone. Why are you here?
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What a lovely tribute to a lovely man. I was lucky enough to interview him a few times (one time it involved shots at Dirty Franks!) and was always impressed with his constant efforts to shine a light on the immigrant population that made the entire hospitality industry run.
I prefer to remember people on their birthdays than their death days but since I saw folks giving Bourdain his roses today, 6 years after he left us. Here’s a gift link to what I wrote then
Opinion | Anthony Bourdain Was the Kind of ‘Bad Boy’ We Need More Of (Published 2018)www.nytimes.com He was never afraid to speak plainly about injustice or to stand up for marginalized people.
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Liberals, nonwhites, non-religious people, women, young people — they had no right, in Vought’s view, to interpret the Constitution for the sake of egalitarian democracy. This guy is an authoritarian, and believes the Constitution ought to be a vehicle for authoritarianism.
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This belief, this assertion, that the Constitution has been perverted flows downstream from an unstated belief that the democratic affirmation of the current constitutional order by generations of Americans doesn’t count, in large part because many of those Americans don’t count.
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Fireflies at my local park here in PA. The park does a nice job maintaining grassy habitat which helps out birds and flashy bugs.
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in this case, ed blum has leveraged the civil rights act of 1866 to argue that it is illegal racial discrimination in contracts for a firm to provide opportunity grants to black women. the dissent against the preliminary injunction notes that this is ludicrous
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conservative worship of the Orban government is so instructive. they will happily impoverish and ruin the country if it means they can say slurs, ban LGBT people from public life and cut taxes on the rich.
I take issue with this Business Insider article I shouldn’t have wasted my life on because, while it’s on the whole critical of Sam Altman, it uses the formulation “evil genius” as if taking as fact that if he’s evil, he must be a genius. He’s not a genius, just a garden variety rich evil dipshit.
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No, you don't understand - the law would have let her have an abortion in those circumstances, this is the doctor's fault. Of course, if they'd done the abortion we wouldn't have the evidence that it was actually life threatening, and the doctors would have to litigate that at risk of jail time but
Texas' abortion ban prevented doctors from providing an abortion to a woman with a failing pregnancy—forcing her to instead pass the pregnancy on her own. She spent days in agony, vomiting and bleeding, until she passed out from blood loss and nearly died. www.dallasnews.com/news/public-...
How a couple found themselves tangled in Texas’ strict abortion laws after miscarriagewww.dallasnews.com A Texas woman needed help passing her incomplete miscarriage and wanted a surgical abortion. Her husband said that two medical centers denied or delayed a...
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I mean speaking as someone who writes books from the POV of sapient spiders, I feel the "universal story" is considerably overrated.
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Every time I read articles about extremely wealthy people/companies engaging in unethical behavior to become even more wealthy, I think about this excerpt from the book the psychology of money. The endless quest for more is so damaging, especially when pursed by those who already have enough.
Excellent op-ed yesterday from @andrewdessler.bsky.social on renewables already being the cheaper option and how the fossil fuel industry is trying to salt that particular bit of earth to stop their rollout. These companies are *absurdly* rich and they're not gonna stop. Gift link:
Opinion | Oil and Gas Companies Are Trying to Rig the Marketplacewww.nytimes.com Fossil fuel interests are spreading misinformation that renewable energy is harmful, unreliable and worse for consumers.
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If you define the lifelong ideologue who devoted his career to destroying the Voting Rights Act as a hair right of center, then the Supreme Court is a surprisingly centrist institution
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Remember when the most important issue was civility in politics because restaurant workers politely decline to serve Sarah Sanders and now everyone targeted by Trump or his cronies needs private security and we don’t talk about civility much anymore www.nbcnews.com/politics/don...
Trump supporters try to doxx jurors and post violent threats after his convictionwww.nbcnews.com On social media and web forums, users called for jurors, judges and prosecutors to be killed after the former president was found guilty on 34 felony counts.
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7 YO: “don’t call me your child.” Me: “ok, but you’ve said you’re nonbinary, so I shouldn’t call you my son or daughter… what would you like me to call you?” 7 YO: “your chaos goblin”
To let posting stop at what cannot be posted is a high attainment. Those who cannot do it will be destroyed upon the lathe of heaven.
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Alito lied about the reason the flag was up because he didn’t know the couple had text messages establishing the date of when the incident took place. They were supporting the insurrection. www.nytimes.com/2024/05/28/u...
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Methinks killing a pedestrian who had the right of way and was in the crosswalk is ipso facto evidence of driving recklessly Also, I use this crosswalk all the time. And am in high alert constantly. Drivers don’t use care.
I like several of the new Trek series, but I love Lower Decks.
Oh my god oh my god oh my god 😭😭😭 www.savestartreklowerdecks.com
I want there to be a Soul Asylum cover band composed only of trombones, called Trombone Asylum. I can neither justify nor explain this desire.
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When we say “tech guys need the humanities too” we’re not talking about diluting the pool of Linus Torvalds with underwater basket weavers, we’re talking about arming them with enough literacy to comprehend Sci-Fi in a way that doesn’t get them sued by Scarlett Johansson